Customers Ignored The “No Large Bills” Sign, So This Employee Gave Them Their Change In The Most Annoying Way Possible
by Heide Lazaro
Customers love ignoring signs and expecting special treatment.
This employee was fed up with customers breaking big bills at their register.
When corporate forced them to comply, they found a clever way to make it painful for customers.
Soon, these customers were the ones suffering the consequences.
Read the story below to find out more.
Because some people mistook us for a bank and complained, corporate changed the policy on $50 and $100s.
Despite the big, bold sign, people still ignored it.
Almost everyone with $50s and $100s refused to go to a bank.
Instead, they came to us to get their big bills broken down.
Customers kept wiping out the registers, and corporate made things worse.
Breaking large bills kept emptying our tills.
When customers raised a fuss, they called corporate.
Corporate’s response was to rescind our policy.
Their brilliant solution? Carry more money in the tills.
Clearly, they had never worked a register before.
This employee found a loophole in the company’s policy.
Corporate never said we had to carry $20s or $10s.
So, we decided to follow their orders—exactly.
We went to the bank with a plan in mind.
The tellers grinned like a Midnight Lycanroc when they heard our request.
We withdrew dozens of $5s and $1s… and waited.
Customers started getting smaller bills.
The first guy smugly put down a $100 bill.
His change was $95, all in $5 bills.
I started singing the Schoolhouse Rock song as I counted.
“Five, ten, fifteen, twenty…” He got nineteen $5s.
He asked for $20s, but I told him we were out.
It kept happening, and they told them to go to the bank.
Another guy bought a $0.50 cookie with a $50.
He expected twenties but got nine fives.
I kindly suggested he go to a bank.
This happened to four more customers.
Take THAT.
That’s a clever way to show the customers how annoying they are being!
Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This is what this person does.
This person shares their personal thoughts.
Here’s some petty ideas from this user.
This user shares their experience in Canada.
And lastly, people are loving it.
If you refuse to read the sign, then be ready for some inconvenience.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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