March 19, 2025 at 6:21 am

Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandson’s Birthday Party, But He Didn’t Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wife’s Mom To Join Them Instead

by Michael Levanduski

woman and dog sit on cabin porch at night


When you own a vacation property, it can be a great opportunity to make lasting memories with your family.

What would you do if your son asked to use your vacation cabin for your grandson’s birthday, but you weren’t invited, and to make it worse, his other grandma was?

That is the situation the grandma in this story is in, and she is feeling hurt that she was excluded.

Let’s read all the details.

AITAH and a jealous grandmother for not sharing my vacation cabin

Several years ago, I purchased a rental cabin in a very popular vacation town in the Smokie Mts.

My military son with his young family has been stationed overseas for the past four years and unable to visit the cabin during his deployment.

His two children, ages 4 and 6 have never seen the cabin at all.

This would make such a special memory.

I have anxiously been anticipating the opportunity to share with my grandchildren their first magical memories of staying at the cabin, the splendor of the mountains, and fun attractions of the area as has been our family tradition for the past 4 generations.

My oldest grandchild is turning 7 this month.

My son and daughter-in-law asked if they could take their family to the cabin to celebrate the birthday in lieu of having a party.

I was led to believe they wanted this for their immediate family only.

Could it be a misunderstanding?

I was not invited to go, nor celebrate the birthday with them.

I was saddened to miss my grandchildren’s first visit to the cabin and the Smokie Mts area.

Still, I respected their wishes to have intimate family time even though it meant I was forgoing the treasured memories of my grandchildren’s first experience at my cabin.

I took the cabin off the market for them, with no plans to join in the festivities and celebrations.

The loss of rental revenue for that time is totally at my expense.

In addition, I pay the cleaning fees, power bill, and water bill.

I can see why this would be upsetting.

Last night, I was shocked and heartbroken when my grandson excitedly told me that his other grandmother (my daughter-in-law’s mom/family) is flying in to stay at the cabin and celebrate his birthday with him.

From my perspective, not only have I been excluded but I’m expected in essence to pay (through loss of revenue) for the in-law’s week’s stay at the cabin.

But even more importantly than the money, it is the other set of grandparents that will experience those first memories of the cabin, of which I have dreamed.

The grandchildren are far too young to fully understand and appreciate that this is Grammy’s cabin.

Instead, what the grandchildren will remember is their first experiences at the cabin itself is with Nanna.

It is weird that they would exclude her.

I would gladly give my daughter-in-law’s family a week of their own with the grandchildren at the cabin at another time.

Just not the FIRST visit, and especially considering the first visit is a birthday celebration.

Question: Am I wrong for feeling blindsided, hurt, and used because I have been excluded from my grandchildren’s first visit/memories at MY cabin, as well as missing birthday celebrations, all the while being expected to foot the bill?


I would be hurt as well, but I think she should talk directly to her son about this, hopefully it is a misunderstanding.

Read on to see what the people in the comments on Reddit say about it.

I think anyone would be hurt by this.

comment 5 1 Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandsons Birthday Party, But He Didnt Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wifes Mom To Join Them Instead

This commenter says to at least make them pay the cleaning fee.

comment 4 1 Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandsons Birthday Party, But He Didnt Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wifes Mom To Join Them Instead

Here is someone who says she should convey her feelings clearly to the son.

comment 3 1 Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandsons Birthday Party, But He Didnt Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wifes Mom To Join Them Instead

This commenter says to ask her son about it.

comment 2 1 Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandsons Birthday Party, But He Didnt Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wifes Mom To Join Them Instead

This person says they are using her.

comment 1 1 Her Son Asked To Use Her Cabin In The Mountains For Her Grandsons Birthday Party, But He Didnt Invite Her To The Party And Invited His Wifes Mom To Join Them Instead

The family seems to be taking advantage of her.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.