March 13, 2025 at 11:55 am

He Met His Friend’s Beautiful New Girlfriend, But Was Turned Off When She Shared Her Ugly Opinions

by Chelsea Mize

pretty young woman drink


We’ve all heard the phrase, don’t judge a book by its cover.

This guy says his friend’s method for choosing romantic partners exemplifies exactly why this saying is so popular – and often true.

Check out what happened when his friend’s pretty new girlfriend shared some ugly opinions.

A lesson in why we should never go for looks alone

Tonight I met my friend’s new (American) girlfriend.

And wow. Just wow.

She is achingly beautiful, utterly stunning in fact, but she’s also the most entitled and idiotic person I have ever met.

Pretty but dumb… is the stereotype fair?

And I’ve met Boris Johnson.

OK, that’s pretty bad.

In the space of three hours Scarlett O’TrailerTrash told me:

  1. She’s part Welsh, as her family originally came from Edinburgh
  2. It’s racist of me to refer to my father as Spanish and that “Hispanic is the proper term, actually.” (he was literally born in Spain)
  3. That I would have to tone down my Welsh accent when she and my friend have children, because “it’s just not refined and I want my babies to be refined.” (They’ve been dating for about 6 weeks and she’s from Timbuktu, Alabama)
  4. That she thought she may as well move to England, since she was “already paying for the England economy”
  5. That she could stay in the country indefinitely without a visa. “I’m white and I’m practically English, why would they ask me to leave?”
  6. That you just can’t get good sushi anywhere outside of America
  7. That snapping her fingers at the waitress was “totally fine. That’s why she’s here”
  8. That I should stop looking for a lodger and let her move into my spare room for free, so we could bond. “But you’ll have to get rid of the plants, because I’m allergic to the carbon they put out”

Alright, that’s a lot of bad opinions. And blatant fallacies.

I must have said “that’s not really true” about thirty times.

Eventually I decided to just roll with it and enjoy the entitled insanity.

So I started nodding agreement with everything she said and just let her talk.

My friend was clearly dying inside.

It’s hard to introduce your partner to your friends. Sometimes this is why.

When I made my excuses to leave early, she said, “I was worried about meeting you because I know how much (Friend) respects you. I’m glad I made a good impression. Add me on insta and I’ll show you how to decorate my room.”

Twenty minutes later I got a text from my friend: “I’m so sorry, I had no idea she was that dumb.”

Sounds like this went down badly. And then kept going down.

Something tells me I won’t have to see her again!

Let’s see what the comments have to say on this beauty.

This person says OMG, not Boris!

reddit comment

Someone else has some Southern hospitality to offer.

reddit comment

This poster says they’ve always relied on the humor of strangers.

reddit comment

Another OMG!

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One more user says people like her give Americans a bad name.

reddit comment

Not all Americans are dumb, but sounds like this one is.

She’s giving us all a bad reputation abroad.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.