March 11, 2025 at 9:49 pm

Wife Wants to Play Video Games, But Her Husband Thinks She Needs to Leave Her Hobby in the Past

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

This kind of stuff drives me nuts!

I’m talking about people who makes others feel bad for having hobbies that they truly enjoy.

What’s the harm in doing something you love?

It’s crazy!

The woman you’re going to hear from is going through a situation with her husband that can only be described as unhealthy.

Is she doing anything wrong?

Read on and see what you think.

AITA for “wanting to still play video games” after being married?

“I recently moved to Germany to be with my husband.

Hence, I have left everything I didn’t need or couldn’t bring — which of course included my gaming PC.

My husband knows I’ve been into gaming. However, recently he has made me feel the need to move on from it.

Her husband has his thoughts about this.

His POV:

Gaming does not help us in the future.

I kind of understand what he’s saying — cause literally it won’t help us financially or whatever.

I should find a new hobby that will help us in the future (?).

And so does she.


I barely speak German, the weather sucks here. And gaming makes me feel less homesick.

This has been my hobby ever since and I enjoy doing it. Period. That’s it.

I’ve settled for playing on my MAC until it wouldn’t charge anymore. Hence I found the perfect opportunity to replace it with a new rig, but my husband again is saying “how can this help us?”

He doesn’t seem to care about hobbies.

What I don’t understand:

Does everything we do in life have to “help” us?

Can’t we entertain the thought that people have hobbies and other interests? Can’t we accept the fact that although we are married, we are still 2 different individuals? Who have separate hobbies and interests?

He’s not being supportive.

I wanted to buy the rig and not tell him and just come home with it, but I wanted to include him in the process.

So I told him I wanted to and instead did not get the emotional support or validation I was hoping for.

So now I am upset.

It’s not like he doesn’t have hobbies.

He has hobbies and interests too, but I have done nothing but cheer him on and support him.

My mentality is — life is too short not to enjoy the little things that make you happy.

When I tell him how I feel he brushes me off saying he does not want to argue with a 10 year old. 🙂

She claims they love each other.

I love him. And despite it all, I know he loves me. Just not the way I need to be loved I guess.

Oh in addition to this, he has a PC.

When I asked him for the password he said he gave to me before (I dont remember thats why I ask) but he doesn’t give it directly. Thus making me feel like he just doesn’t want to let me borrow?

She wonders if she’s in the wrong.

He also says I should just play with the PS5?

BUT I’m not a console gamer. I don’t enjoy it HENCE it makes me feel like THAT is a waste of time.

AITA for wanting to play video games as a married woman? Should I just make my life about being a wife and a future mom?”

This husband and wife definitely don’t see eye to eye on how to spend their free time.

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This individual nailed it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user thinks she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I have a feeling this relationship might be headed for Splitsville…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.