June 17, 2023 at 8:06 pm

She Refuses to Go to Her Sister’s High School Graduation. Is She a Jerk?

by Matthew Gilligan

AITASisterGraduation 1 She Refuses to Go to Her Sister’s High School Graduation. Is She a Jerk?

What would it take to make you skip the graduation of one of your siblings?

It would have to be pretty bad, right?

At least that’s the way I look at it…

But we need to get all the details about why this woman refused to go to her sister’s graduation.

Read on and see if you think she acted like an a**hole!

AITA for refusing to go to my little sister’s high school graduation?

“I (24f) and the oldest of 3 sisters (23f) and (17f). My middle sister has extreme disabilities that required pretty much all of my parents’ attention as a kid.

Time, money, and any extra resources were all given to my middle sister so that she could have doctor’s, tutors, a special school, etc. From the age of 5 I was pretty much left to raise myself, and when my youngest sister was born, I pretty much raised her too.

I struggled a lot in high school as I also have a mild version of my sister’s disability (but it was ignored since hers was much more severe). My parents did not help me at all, they ignored my concerns about my grades, rejected my request for a tutor, and did not seem to care at all that I was pretty much failing. I didn’t even have time to study on my own as much of my life at home revolved around taking care of my sisters.

I managed to graduate and immediately took a retail job that I am still at today. My youngest sister graduates this weekend and my parents asked me to attend. The thought literally makes me want to throw up. By the time my youngest sister hit high school, my middle sister no longer lived at home, and she was on state benefits.

That meant my parents suddenly had all the time and money in the world which they used to get my youngest sister in an amazing, private high school. They gave her tons of support and she is graduating with honors and has an offer to attend an ivy league college.

It may be childish, but I do not feel like it is fair at all. I don’t hold a grudge against my sister, and I have sent her a graduation card, but the thought of sitting through a whole ceremony and hearing my parents talk about all of her accomplishments is too much.

They are extremely upset about the fact that I said I won’t go. I haven’t talked to my sister yet, but I assume she will be upset as well.


Here’s what people said on Reddit.

One person said she’s NTA and that she was the scapegoat of her family.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.35.12 PM She Refuses to Go to Her Sister’s High School Graduation. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said she’s NTA and this is all her parents’ fault.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.35.33 PM She Refuses to Go to Her Sister’s High School Graduation. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one individual said this isn’t her responsibility and her parents need to step up.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 6.35.57 PM She Refuses to Go to Her Sister’s High School Graduation. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

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