July 21, 2023 at 7:31 am

Men Get Real About Things Women Do That Grosses Them Out

by Matthew Gilligan

ARGrossesYouOut Men Get Real About Things Women Do That Grosses Them Out

Guys, it’s time for some real talk.

The fine folks at AskReddit asked men what grosses them out about women and the fellas have spoken!

Let’s see what they had to say.

Not cool.

“I had an ex who debatably put me on a pedestal in private, but would go on the offensive around other people.

I had to look in the mirror and ask myself if I’m just thin skinned, but no, friends (male and female) would occasionally reach out to me after hanging out with us and be like “Dude what was up with your gf? Is she mad at you?”

No, she just had some weird complex about ragging on me in public.”

Uh uh…

“Over-the-top solipsism.

That whole “I don’t perceive it that way, therefore you perceiving it that way cannot be valid” mindset.”

Isn’t that cool?

“Loudly empathizing with every cause and group on the planet but treating people in their personal lives like trash.”

Why would anyone do this?

“Denigrating and emasculating men who show emotions.

It’s honestly one of the most fucked up things anyone can do to another person.

Also, using a man’s kids as pawns in disputes, like cutting off visitation because you’re mad at him. Don’t f**king do that, it’s just cruel to the kids.”

Take some responsibility.

“I think not taking accountability is the biggest one.

You’ve messed up/were rude/incorrect/whatever, but just doubling down and never apologising or admitting fault is so unattractive.

Just own it and apologise like a grown up. “I’m sorry but…” etc.”

Meanwhile, in Scotland…

“In Scotland.

Obvious fake tan and overdone makeup.

You’re in f**king Glasgow, not Madrid.”

Not cute.

“When they think a toxic trait of theirs is cute/quirky.

There’s a big difference between being blunt in a respectful way and being a b**ch.”

Hell no.

“The f**king testing.

I appreciate that you have been in previous relationships where someone lied and/or cheated on you but don’t spend your entire single life trying to catch me in some lie so you can have your self fulfilling prophecy that all men are liars.”


“The lying.

My ex did this.

Every time I’d ask her how she was I’d get “I’m ok” even when she clearly wasn’t. I’d have to drag anything except “I’m ok” out of her.

It was exhausting.”

Stay far, far away.

“The classic Tinder bio: “If you can’t handle me at my most insane/unhinged, then you don’t deserve me at my best.”

Just screams that they have a childish sense of entitlement and take zero accountability for their actions.

Giant red flag for me.”


“Silent treatment.

I’ve h**ed it for the longest time, when you do something wrong and you try to apologize and they say nothing is even worse, just hurtful.”

Cover your mouth!

“I saw a cute girl on a treadmill at the gym sneeze 4 times and not attempt to cover her mouth once.

Absolutely disgusted me.”

I’m gonna puke!

“Cleaning my wife’s hair out of the drains grosses me out to the point where I gag.

I had no problem with other gross things.

I can even clean up my dog’s vomit with little to no gagging.”