August 21, 2023 at 11:47 am

‘We got so incredibly turned around it could have ended very badly.’ People Shared The Times They Where “Better Safe Than Sorry” Saved Them From Bad Situations

by Justin Gardner

Better Safe Than Sorry AR We got so incredibly turned around it could have ended very badly. People Shared The Times They Where Better Safe Than Sorry Saved Them From Bad Situations

Good thing you had that in your back pocket, huh?

Have you ever had a situation where you brought something along with you “just in case”…and then it actually saved your a**?

These AskReddit users did!

And we’re going to hear their stories!

Take a look!

Thinking ahead.

“Saved the GPS location of my vehicle on Google Maps before exploring a national forest with a road trip buddy.

We grabbed some fishing poles and head out towards the nearest water location on our map to hopefully catch a couple fish. Turns out it was a swamp not a lake and we got so incredibly turned around it could have ended very badly.

We really didn’t go that far in from where we parked but somehow ended up on the other side of the swamp without realizing it. Drizzling rain, mosquitos, bear tracks, and the sun started going down before we found the car.

Without the GPS coordinates saved it would have been a cold wet night in the woods at a minimum, and more than likely a “search and rescue required” situation.”


“I was dropping my friend off at home, he lived in a sketchy neighborhood. I had my driver side door locked and as soon as he got out i immediately locked the other one.

These three girls come running out of the bushes trying to open my car doors. One jumped on my hood and I fu**ing gunned it, she rolled off my car. The other chucked her drink at my driver side door. I’m terrified to think about what they were going to do to me.”

That’s a relief.

“Leaving a spare set of keys at the pub that I live above. Went out on St Patrick’s day and had my coat stolen (I keep my keys in my coat).

At 3 in the morning, I had genuinely no idea how I would’ve been able to get home otherwise. Definitely not some big life-saving moment or anything but it was a relief.”


“I had gallbladder pain on and off.

One day I decided I should get it checked. GP gave me antacids and sent me for an U/S just in case.

No gallstones but they found a 4cm tumour on my left kidney. Cancer. Got the kidney whipped out. No metastases.

Just hit 14 years cancer free and I still have gallbladder pain on and off.

Thanks to my GP for listening.”

Could’ve been disastrous.

“Once before we left for a two week vacation, my husband decided to turn off the water and drain the faucets and stuff.

I thought he was being silly.

But the power went out while we were gone and everything froze. He likely saved our house and everything in it from burst pipes and flooding.”

Why not?

“Years ago I bought a QuikClot bandage (military grade for g**shot wounds, bleeding arteries, etc) because for $20 bucks why not?

Never used one, even though they have to be replaced every so often. But, when a friend’s father had a minor stroke, with little real damage, I mentioned it and recommended she get him one because he’d be on blood thinners.

Cue months later, I get an email out of the blue from her with the subject THANK YOU!!!

He’d been cutting up fruit for breakfast one morning and dropped the knife on his foot. They lived way, way out in the ‘burbs, and were something like 45 minutes away from a hospital, and with morning commuter traffic it would have been longer.

No fun any which way, and not too serious a cut, but it would not stop bleeding. So his wife slapped the QuikClot on, it stopped bleeding almost immediately, and she drove him to the hospital for removal and treatment. An embarrassing ouchie could’ve been much worse.”

Close call.

“I was at a sleepover as a kid and I was a little worried because my mom had been oddly tired earlier that day.

I went home early because I was worried. By the end of the night I (14 at the time) had to call an ambulance for my mom, as she was having problems with her heart and I was the only one there with her.

She was incapable of forming coherent sentences and would probably not have gotten the help she needed if I wasn’t there. So, good thing I was.”

Gotta have water.

“Filling up my ridiculously large 2.5 litre water bottle yesterday.

A pipe burst in my building last night and we still don’t have running water 20 hours later but I still have my bottle.

Make sure you have an emergency supply of water in your house!”

Smart move.

“Grabbed a helmet when riding a bike down a steep hill as a kid.

Normally didn’t bit I ended up falling at top speed and breaking my helmet and chipping 3 teeth.

Could’ve been my head that was broken.”

Mom knows best.

“I live in Arizona. My mom always told me to shake my shoes in case a scorpion got inside of them.

Did that s**t for 39 years and finally one day, a scorpion fell out of my shoes when shaking them before I put them on.

Thanks mom!”

Always carry an ax.

“I had an inclination to put an ax in the back of my truck “just in case.”

Two weeks later I came upon a car that that had just crashed into a tree and was fully engulfed in flames . Bystanders we’re freaking out because the doors were locked. I jumped out and grabbed my ax, smashed a window, unlocked the doors, and dragged the dude to safety.

I’m so glad I had that ax. It’s old and rusty and still sits in my vehicle. This was admittedly not my ass but someone else’s.”

I feel like there’s something akin to a “sixth sense” that people can tap into.

But what do I know? 😉