October 6, 2023 at 2:16 am

‘He’s doing everything he can to push all the responsibility onto me.’ Employee Gives A Safety Presentation About A Ridiculous Topic To See If Her Boss Is Paying Attention

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Reddit/AITA

We all have our strengths and weaknesses in life, whether at home or in a professional capacity. We try to choose roles that fulfill us, that push us just enough but not too much, so that we can be happy but not uncomfortable.

OP liked his job. He’s an introvert, so he is happy with working a warehouse job, third shift.

I work a decking products company.

We make stuff so people can build their own decks, it’s a warehouse job and I’m the shift lead for third shift.

When someone quit, though, and took a while to be replaced, he found himself pushed beyond his limits of comfort. The new boss asks him to run safety meetings with all of the shifts, even though OP doesn’t speak Spanish and the new boss does.

Our previous production manager used to do safety meetings once a month for all the shifts. He was terminated and it took us about a year to promote the second shift lead to production manager.

Most of the time he’s laid back but now he insists on me doing the safety meetings for first and third shift because we have a 30 minute over lap window.

We didn’t do the safety meetings at all when we didn’t have a production manager. A lot of first shift have poor attitudes or don’t speak English very well and I don’t speak Spanish, so communicating with them is challenging.

I’m a introvert so these hour long meetings are draining and I actively dislike doing them. I expressed my concerns about the language barrier to my production manager and he keeps pushing them on me, despite the fact that he speaks Spanish and I don’t.

So, OP ran the meeting with a completely ridiculous agenda – and his boss didn’t even notice.

He also doesn’t care what the topic is, he just tells me to choose. It seems like he’s doing everything he can to push all the responsibility onto me.

So I did our meeting this week. It was about severe weather and cold conditions such as hypothermia and how to avoid the dangers involved.

We are located in Florida, specifically the Tampa Bay Area where we don’t see snow or work with any refrigeration units.

I handed him the sign off sheet after the meeting and he didn’t even notice the topic.

Does Reddit think this is revenge enough? I’m truly curious!

People have some great ideas on topics for future meetings.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Other people have fixed this same issue, apparently.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They really just want you to sign the sheet.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Either way, they hope OP keeps it up.

Source: Reddit/AITA

A job well done.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Everyone gets revenge in their own way.

Sometimes you need just need the tiniest thing to keep you going.