July 11, 2024 at 7:44 pm

Trailer Park Rules Made Him Park His Boat Behind A Locked Gate And Refused To Give Him A Key, So He Followed Orders And Made It Difficult For Everybody Involved Until The Rules Changed

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/malicious Compliance/Pexels/doonhoo

Being clever can be a real blessing at times.

Especially when you’re right and the world isn’t ready for it!

Check out how this guy made his point and turned the tables!

Call the maintenance guy to open the gate? Will do!

Years ago, I lived in a trailer park (Manufactured Home Community – they were ‘nice’ trailers, but they were still trailers), and during a summer when I inherited my dad’s little fishing boat.

I was informed I wasn’t allowed to park the boat in our driveway (it fit completely in the driveway and did not hang out onto the road).

He got an answer straight up!

When I mentioned that this rule was nowhere in my lease, they said “oh, the rule was just changed this year, it’ll be on your next lease” (and it was).

I asked what they expected me to do with my boat, and they said “there’s a community lot at the end of the block where tenants are expected to park their trailers and boats, you can park it there for free.”

Works for him!

Great, that’ll free up space in my driveway, then.

I decided to play along instead of fighting it, and when I went to get my boat out of the lot that saturday, the gate was locked.

I impatiently stomp over to the office, telling them I wasn’t told the gate would be locked, and I wasn’t given a key to get my boat out.

It gets INSANE!

“Oh, the residents don’t get keys to that gate.”

Hold up. You’re requiring me to park my boat there, but you’re not giving me access to my boat?

“All you have to do is call the park maintenance guy when you need to get something out, and he’ll come open it up.”

He had a valid point!

Now, I tried to argue with her about how inconvenient that is for literally everyone involved, and how it’d be so much simpler to just make a bunch of copies of the key, and sign one over to each person who has to keep something there.

Hell, let me borrow the key right now, and I’ll go down to the hardware store and I will pay to get my own copy made!

You could even make us all sign for the keys, with a fee if we lose it.

Okay they might have concerns regarding security.

“Sir, we don’t do that for security reasons. If there are multiple keys floating around out there, anyone could get access to your boat!”

I decided to ignore how stupid that was (since if my boat was in my driveway, where I really wanted it, anyone could get access to it and that’s what tongue locks are for), smiled, and said “You know what, you’re right! I wasn’t thinking clearly. Please give me the phone number for the maintenance guy, and I will just give him a call when I need to get my boat out.”

I went home and checked the weather for the weekend.

Warm, sunny, and calm all sunday.

Sounds like a perfect day for fishing!

He had a plan!

And you know what, I want to make the most out of my fishing trip, so I’m going to get an early start.

I woke up at five in the morning, got myself all ready, packed my gear into the back of my truck, and drove on over to the trailer lot. I then called the maintenance guy, who answers with a groggy, and clearly-still-half-asleep,



Me: *in my best, shit-eating, chipper voice* “Good morning! I was told I have to call you to get my trailer out of the lot!”

Him: “It’s like five in the morning! You’re going to have to wait-”

Me: “No, sir. I’ve got things to do today, and I need to get an early start, so I’m going to need to get into that lot now.”

Him: *with noticeable irritation in his voice* “Give me five minutes.”

The maintenance guy was surely mad at him.

About ten minutes later he pulls up to the gate, very visibly disgruntled about the whole thing. I just give him a smile, and a “good morning!”

Him: *as he’s unlocking the gate* “You need your trailer to move tree limbs or something?”

Me: “Oh, no, my boat’s on it, and I need it for fishing!”

Him: “That couldn’t wait until a decent hour?!”

He made his point.

Me: “No. My life doesn’t revolve around your sleep schedule. Of course, if I had my own key to this gate, you wouldn’t need to be here at all.”

I had a great day fishing.

It worked!

When I got back, the gate was no longer locked, and I never saw a lock on it again.

If they had given him a key, none of this would’ve ever happened!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This person would have had no mercy on the poor maintenance guy!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This person wants the guy to make sure he makes his point.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This person knows the timings were great!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This person thinks the maintenance guy has the real power.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This person loves the story!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

That’s how you do it!

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.