July 15, 2024 at 7:23 pm

Neighbor Demanded They Decorate Their House For Christmas, So They Decided Halloween Decorations Would Be Better Instead

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@neonbrand

Oh, boy, here we go again…

It’s another story about neighbors who can’t mind their own business from the pages of Reddit.

What happened this time around?

Well, you’ll have to read the story below to find out.

Get started now!

We decorate in the neighborhood …. Ok Merry Chralloween.

“This happened the first Christmas after my late husband and I built and moved in to our house.

It was early December the first week around the 6th when one of the old nosey neighbors knocked on my door.

I had not had the chance to meet anyone from the area I was still fairly new so I thought she was coming to introduce herself but I was wrong.

Say what?

It was a lecture about the holidays that everyone in the area decorates with lights and stuff for Christmas that I have to decorate for Christmas so I can fit in to the area…

It was utter bull ****.

Well I had told my husband what had happened and he was so ****** off.

He was a creative person and I could see the wood burning behind his eyes so he was like ok let’s go out and get some decorations for that old *****.

This was gonna be epic!

And we did….

A whole bunch of clearance items from Halloween.

The whole works.

Blow up pumpkins, bats, everything you can think of.

And that’s what we did… this huge Halloween display complete with pumpkin hang up lights all over the front of the house.

She got what she wanted we decorated.

We did get an angry letter from her but it kinda became a tradition that I have been keep going for the the last 8 years complete with a skeleton Christmas tree.

His name is Billy Bones he has a party hat instead of a star.”

Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This person was impressed.

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This person spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

And this Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

Just trying to get into the holiday spirit!

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