July 21, 2024 at 4:47 am

Neighbors Kept Blocking Their Driveway And Ignoring Their Notes, So They Took Pictures Of The Blocked Driveway And Got Them Evicted

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Pexels/Harrison Haines

Dealing with unreasonable neighbors seems to be way too common.

In today’s story, one neighbor’s documentation of everything the next-door neighbors did wrong ends up paying off in the long run.

Let’s see how everything works out…

Driveway blocking revenge

So we bought a house with a 4 plex next door.

We thought we had done our homework.

Drove by, walked through the neighborhood, as much as we felt comfortable with without looking like stalkers.

They hadn’t checked well enough.

We drive by the night before closing, and both ends of the driveway are suddenly blocked in by cars we hadn’t noticed the umpteen times we had checked on our new house.

And it’s tenants from the 4 plex next door.

Easily 1/3rd of their vehicle is blocking one side of our very small driveway.

It got worse as time went on…

Cue months of not figuring out who the landlord is.

We leave notes on the cars. Ask the driveway blockers nicely. Take pictures. Leave more notes.

They even start throwing the notes in our driveway or putting them back on our car.

I put up signs on our property and those get written on with sharpie and ripped down.

It’s not just one neighbor that’s causing the problem.

It’s two separate tenants that are doing this.

When I confront one tenant about damaging my signs, the response is “What are you gonna do about it?”

I finally look the property owners up and call them.

They eventually called me back and give me the property managers info.

All those pictures and emails paid off!

My pictures combined with 10 or so emails, calls, video camera footage, and a year later and both tenants get evicted!

We won.

They’re gone, being a menace to new neighbors, both with evictions on their record for not following rules on the lease.

I can’t imagine dealing with such inconsiderate neighbors! OP was certainly patient and persistent, and it eventually paid off.

It turns out that Reddit readers weren’t as excited about the end of the story as OP probably thought they would be.

This reader offered an alternative solution.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another reader thinks the revenge wasn’t good enough.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s what one reader would’ve done instead…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another reader offered this piece of advice…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another vote for towing the vehicles.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

It’s ridiculous that this problem went on for so long. I would’ve called a tow truck and/or the police.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.