Her Things Keep Ending Up In Her Boyfriend’s Son’s Room, But He Ignores Her Complaints And Says It’s No Big Deal
by Trisha Leigh
Every relationship has those little things that annoy the crap out of you, if you stay in it long enough.
Most of the time they’re small and innocuous, and not something to blow it all up over.
Sometimes, though, it can seem to lead to bigger issues.
This woman’s boyfriend keeps putting her things where they don’t belong, and she’s starting to lose her cool.
Read more to find out if you think she should just let it go – or maybe let him go instead.
AITA for telling my boyfriend to stop putting my things in his son’s room?
My boyfriend (30M) and I (25F) have been together for 3+ years, living together for 2. He has a 13 year old son (had him when he was very young).
He is at our house Friday night-Monday morning.
Since we’ve moved in together, there has been an ongoing issue that my things end up in his son’s room, especially if he’s cleaning or moving stuff around.
She’s finding more and more things that she needs in that room.
Last week, I came home from work and realized my PS5 was missing the HDMI cord.
Sons room. Disconnected and on the floor. Because son was using it earlier and just unplugged it instead of putting it back.
Which, he’s 13 and in his own world. My boyfriend let him borrow it, so he should have put it back when son was done.
Side note, I bought his son a couple of cords so my BF would stop taking mine for him to use. No idea what happened to them.
The other day, I was looking for my dogs combing supplies. She has her own cabinet of “dog stuff.” They somehow ended up in his son’s room.
He said he was reorganizing the cabinet and took some things out, and he must have moved the comb in the process.
Today, my boyfriend was taking a nap and I was going to go to the gym. I could not find my headphones. They are usually in my gym bag, but I had taken them out to charge earlier today.
I looked in his son’s room but did not see them, so I looked elsewhere but could not find them.
Her boyfriend doesn’t take her annoyances seriously, and it’s starting to really frustrate her.
When my boyfriend woke up, I asked him where my headphones were. He went into his son’s room and said he put them in his closet on accident, while cleaning around the house. His headphones were also in the closet.
I honestly lost it. I told him I am so tired of having to question where my things are at.
Our house is not cluttered. It is hardly messy.
There is no reason for MY things not to be in OUR room. There is no reason for my things to be in someone else’s room.
I told him that if I have something in one spot, he does not need to move it. My headphones being on the charger is not inconveniencing anyone.
He said I am overreacting and it’s harmless to just go into his son’s room and look for something if I need too.
He said that he accidentally / subconsciously moves things and doesn’t realize they are mine.
She’s ready to change how she lives in her own home but he thinks she needs to chill.
What does Reddit think? Let’s find out!
The top comment says he needs to stop touching her stuff.
Seriously, just don’t touch other people’s things!
It’s actually nonsense.
The question is, why?
Curiouser and curiouser.
This guy sounds like he just doesn’t care.
Never a good trait in a partner.
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