July 21, 2024 at 11:33 pm

Reckless Driver Wouldn’t Stop Speeding Through Their Neighborhood, So Resident Gave Him a Huge Scare When He Pushed A Baby Carriage In Front Of His Car

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

When I was younger, cars would speed down the street we lived on, and my dad, for some psychotic reason, would stand in the middle of the road with his arms crossed, wait for the speeding drivers to stop, and then yell at them and tell them they’d better not do it again.

And it worked!

But this guy had a different approach to people speeding down his street.

Check out what he did!

Never driving again…

“This was about 20 years ago, give or take.

My uncle lived in a residential neighborhood with many kids. The speed limit was 25 mph on his road. His daughter, son in law, and granddaughter (Coco let’s call her) lived across the street.

The granddaughter was around 4 at the time, and would randomly wander across the street to see her grandpa and go to his house. (Yes, my cousin was not a good mom. The first of many signs being that she let her pre-k aged daughter just walk off on her own. Lucky, Coco was a good child and only went straight to my uncle’s house or this could be an awful missing child story.)

There was danger lurking.

Sadly, some people think it’s okay to speed in residential neighborhoods, even when there might be children playing.

This one crazy speeder in a new decked out Camaro came flying through the neighborhood every day around 50-60/mph.

Drove my uncle crazy. Screaming at him to slow down didn’t deter him, “children at play” signs didn’t deter him, calling cops did nothing.

Cars parked curbside on this street, and kids lived all around here, anything could happen. A kid could dart out between parked cars into the street chasing a ball that got away. Someone could get hurt very easily.

Even worse, (well worse in my family at least) Coco could be walking over to see my uncle and this guy, at this speed, wouldn’t be able to stop in time.

So my uncle thought about it for a while on how to get this guy to slow down. My uncle is normally an “act now, think about it later” type, so I’m impressed he plotted something rather than just throwing a hammer and breaking out the windshield.

This guy wasn’t messing around.

But my uncle wanted to make sure this guy really got the message that he didn’t need to be anywhere so fast that he endangered lives.

Endangering lives, yeah, that’s the idea. You see, uncle had an old covered baby carriage from when Coco was an infant. She used it to play with her dolls.

This Camaro Guy has a pretty predictable schedule, so my uncle took the carriage with a doll in it outside and hid in front of his car, parked at the curb where he knew Camaro Guy couldn’t see him.

(According to schedule, Camaro Guy would be coming the opposite direction, so he would be seeing the rear of my uncle’s car from his vantage, my uncle was in front.)

Uncle heard the Camaro coming, waited a moment as he neared, and pushed the carriage into the road.

For added dramatic effect, my cousin was nearby and screamed “The baby, catch the carriage!” Camaro Guy had no time to react, and plowed into the carriage, sending the doll flying.


Uncle and cousin ran for the doll, like it was a baby, freaking out, and looked at the driver. The jerk didn’t stop! But you could tell he freaked, uncle said he turned pale and turned at the nearest corner, one house down (and off his normal route) to get out of there.

Well, reason stands that the guy must have figured out he didn’t kill a baby in a hit and run, because that would be in the news. But we never know for sure.

What we do know is that guy NEVER came through the neighborhood again, at any speed, and he was spotted a number of times at local public bus stops, waiting on the bus.

I was in that area about 5 years ago with my uncle, and he pointed out someone on the bus bench waiting and started laughing, telling me it was the Camaro Guy, waiting for a bus again.

As I said before, this happened around 20 years ago, and we saw him 5 years ago. I guess that scared him out of driving for life.

I think he got the message.”

Here’s how people reacted on Reddit.

This person has been there…

Source: Reddit

Another individual asked a question…

Source: Reddit

This person shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

Another individual had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit

That was epic! Way to go!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who gave two weeks notice… so his employer disabled his truck when he was 300 miles from home!