July 26, 2024 at 7:13 am

Neighbor Told Homeowner They Couldn’t Put Out Their Trash, So They Got Revenge By Putting Their Trash Pickup On Hold While They Were On Vacation

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

No matter how hard we try, sometimes getting along with our neighbors just isn’t in the cards.

You can be nice, you can stay silent, but the day eventually comes when action is required – and relished.

This person’s neighbor had an issue with when they set out their trash, and thus began a battle of the bins that no one saw coming.

Read the whole thing to decide whose side you’re on!

My neighbor told me I couldn’t put out my trash, so I put his on vacation hold

So I rent a house with my husband and two of our friends, it’s a 5 bedroom house. Rent is outrageous in our area, $2400 for a 1 bedroom apartment.

So we found this house for $3000, not a bad deal while we save up to buy a house.

There are other houses in the neighborhood like this as well our next-door neighbors their house is a five bedroom house and they have nine people living in their house… so it is chaos over there all the time.

The trash company prefers the trash be out by a certain time.

In our neighborhood we can choose the trash company so it just so happens that we have the same trash company as the next-door neighbors.

Our trash company does like us to have the trash out by 7 AM, we don’t always get it out that earlier though and that’s where this problem started.

Most of the time they don’t pick up our trash until 11 AM so obviously, as long as the trash is out before trash pick up gets here, they can take our trash.

The people next door put theirs out the night before, which doesn’t always work out for the best.

The people next-door have three trash cans, and they are overflowing every single week. T

hey put their trash out the night before but unfortunately our neighborhood has raccoons and foxes so the trash is always getting into and last time a raccoon got into their trash, it left a mess in our yard and they wouldn’t pick it up.

I was pretty pissed about it but I just let it go cleaned up their trash. I did go and put it back in their trashcan and they just sat out front glaring at me while I did that.

They got into an argument when the poster put his trash out “late.”

Here is where this incident started, a couple weeks ago, I didn’t get our trash out until almost 9 AM.

All four of us was sick with Covid, I was on the mend and feeling a little bit better but I slept in and forgot to put out the trash at 7 AM.

So I go to put the trash out and my neighbor starts yelling at me saying you were supposed to have your trash out by 7 AM you can’t put your trash out now, I said well they haven’t come and pick up the trash because your trash cans are full so it’s not a big deal, he said no that’s the rules, your trash has to be out by 7 AM, if it’s not you can’t get your trash picked up this week.

I said I understand that they want the trash out by 7 AM but they haven’t come and picked it up yet so it doesn’t matter, so I went ahead and I just walked inside.

But when the neighbors moved his bins and prevented pickup, the war was on.

I went back to bed and a couple hours later I get up to see that our trash can were put to the side of the house and they were still full of trash.

So that means that someone moved our trash can.

Our other neighbor came up to me the next day and said that she saw him put our trash can back. She didn’t know the situation so she wasn’t going to but in and tell him to not do that.

They made it easy to exact his revenge.

Our neighbors are also very proud about their last name.

They literally have a flag in their front window with their last name so I called the trash company and I said that I was Mrs.Soandso and I needed to set up a vacation hold for our upcoming pick up.

They said no problem we won’t pick up your trash next week. They legit only asked for the address, no other information…

The next week I made sure that our trash was out at 6:45 AM then I sat and I watched for the trash truck and I watched them come past the house.

They drove past my neighbors house didn’t pick up their trash, even though their trash was overflowing, picked up ours and the other few people who also have them and left.

What else was he supposed to do, nothing?

Reddit would never support that!

The top comment calls this “inspired” revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The neighbors are not the trash police!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Time to get some cameras!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This is a diabolical suggestion!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Very good advice?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Play stupid games…

Don’t mess with your neighbor’s trash!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.