July 29, 2024 at 2:17 am

Homeowner Let Annoying Neighbors Use Her Parking Spot, But Then They Had The Nerve To Ask Her If They Could Tear Down Her Front Porch

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/pixabay/ Alexas_Fotos

What goes around comes around.

That’s one of those sayings that seem to always be true, right?

In today’s story, neighbors who were acting like bullies found themselves without a place to park their car as a result of their bad behavior.

Let’s see how it all played out…

Neighbors lose free parking spot due to bullying

This isn’t my neighbor but my aunts. She’s been having issues with them for years now.

They’re the type of neighbor to take pictures of your yard and send it to the city to complain (they did this 3 times).

The wife even approached my aunt and told her how she complained to the city.

OP’s aunt is nice to the neighbors.

This specific neighbor doesn’t have a parking space, however my aunt does but she doesn’t drive.

For years she has allowed them to use her street parking space without complaint even with them reporting/bullying her.

The use of the aunt’s parking space wasn’t good enough for the neighbors.

About 4 years ago they asked my aunt’s permission to do some building work on my aunts porch so that they could make a parking space.

They would take half of my aunts porch.

She said no.

They got mad and told her they’d do it anyway.

My aunt complained to the city, and the city said if they start building work to call the police.

The neighbors still want to take up the aunt’s porch.

For weeks it was radio silent, and once again my aunt was approached by the husband asking her once again if they could take half of her porch and once again she said no.

He got mad and asked why and started bashing my aunt telling her she doesn’t even own the home and how he doesn’t need permission.

OP thinks the aunt should’ve called the police on the neighbors multiple times.

My aunt use to share a small back fence with these people but they build a taller fence on their side and then knocked the old fence into my aunts backyard. She saw the husband with a metal pipe doing this.

I got so mad and asked my aunt why she didn’t call the cops? That’s criminal damage but my aunt doesn’t want any problems with these people.

They also on occasion have house parties from 9pm till the early hours playing loud music and my aunt has never called the cops on them, yet when my aunt had a small barbecue party at 12pm on a Saturday they called the cops on her.

They must’ve made some nonsense up as the cops did show up and were as confused as we were.

OP and the neighbor are both threatening to call the cops on each other.

On a visit to my aunts house, I parked my car in her parking spot, and within 20 minutes the husband comes banging on the door.

I open it, and he starts screaming at me to move my car.

I say no and before I can shut the door in his face he puts his foot in the door preventing me from closing it.

At that point I was mad and told him he better move his foot before I call the cops as he is scaring me.

He backs off and tells me I better move my car or he’ll be the one calling the cops.

OP bought the aunt a car.

My aunt recently passed her driving theory test, and once she passes her practical test she can drive, so I decided to buy her a car just to **** with the neighbors.

Now they have no parking space.

Yes they were really mad, but what can they do?

It’s her space and she doesn’t even drive yet, so it just sits there collecting dust.

If they were nice decent people my aunt might have just let them have part of her porch but from day one they acted like pieces of ****

The neighbors didn’t deserve to park in the aunt’s parking spot after all of the annoying things they did. She sounds too nice. I just hope the neighbors don’t get revenge now that they don’t have anywhere to park.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader can’t believe how patient the aunt is!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader thinks the aunt needs to get a lawyer.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader suggests collecting evidence.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another vote for security cameras.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader thinks the aunt should move.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

It’s unfortunate the aunt in this story has such horrible and ungrateful neighbors. Hopefully they don’t do anything to her new car!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who gave two weeks notice… so his employer disabled his truck when he was 300 miles from home!