September 3, 2024 at 1:24 am

Homeowner Painted Their Home In Vibrant Colors, But A Grumpy Neighbor Who Loathes Change Won’t Stop Complaining And Sparks Conflict In Their Community

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/JackF, Reddit/AITA

Many people love the freedom of homeownership, but sometimes uptight neighbors take all the fun out of it.

When one cranky neighbor keeps complaining about one homeowner’s paint job, they find themselves in a neighborhood feud, testing both their patience and their commitment to creative expression.

Read on for the full story!

AITA for telling my neighbor to grow up, get a life, and get over the fact that I painted my house a color he doesn’t like?

I bought a house in a community without an HOA.

I wanted my home to be MY home, and that includes making it look the way that I want. I also chose a neighborhood that already has fun, colorful houses instead of just plain earth tones.

I finally got to the point where I could repaint my house.

I picked a soft peachy color with sage, blue, and soft and dark pink accents. Fun and colorful without being too out there.

I think if you google “coolors blue sage peach” you’ll see a similar palette.

Although, someone in the neighborhood wasn’t pleased with their color choices.

My neighbor Paul hates it and has been complaining since we started the project.

He also made his opinion known that he hates our front lawn (lots of wildflowers and sunflowers, fun garden flags, a Little Free Library, etc).

Each and every time, I’ve told him that I don’t care. Truly, I don’t.

And I’ve suggested a few times that maybe he’d be happier in a HOA community that has control over everything and forces people into having earth toned homes.

These suggestions just made Paul angrier.

Paul got angry when I suggested that and said he’s lived in his home for 15 years and shouldn’t have to move.

I told him okay, well you’ll have to learn to live with a little color.

Last weekend, I was putting in pavers that my niece and I had painted together. They’re all things like ladybugs, turtles, birds, etc in fun colors.

I adore them and my niece is so excited she gets to be a part of my home.

Guess who marched their way over?

Paul came over to complain yet again, saying it was all an “eyesore” and my niece was here, so I just told him “It’s time for you to grow up and get the **** over what I’m doing with my house.”

He got even angrier and told me that I have no right to talk to him this way, do I know who I’m talking to, etc.

Finally, this indignant, color-loving homeowner had enough.

I told him to just go away and get a life. If he has so much free time to complain and moan about a colorful house, maybe he should get a hobby.

He stormed off, calling me a nasty piece of work. My niece was cracking up on the side.

For the record, no one in my family is uptight, we really don’t care about cursing. I know some people still clutch their pearls over it around kids (she’s 15), but I’m sure she says worse.

They ended up catching another neighbor’s attention.

Anyway, one of the other neighbors came to tell me that he’s been flapping his yap about how disrespectful I am to talk to him like that.

She told me that she knows he’s a pain, but that he has been in the neighborhood forever and it’s worth being nice to him.

I don’t know. Is telling him to get a life that big of a deal?


Who knew anyone could get so up in arms about a paint color.

What did Reddit make of all this?

The neighbor didn’t like muted peach tones? How about bright pink?

Source: Reddit/AITA

Not paying the bills? Not getting an opinion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This redditor believes that with difficult people, being polite is just another way to get stepped on.

Source: Reddit/AITA

At the end of the day, he’s the one who started it!

Source: Reddit/AITA

The homeowner chose to stick to their colorful vision, no matter what Paul thinks.

If he can’t find peace with a little paint, maybe he’s the one who needs a change of scenery.

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