September 22, 2024 at 9:50 pm

Neighbor Built A Playground On His Property Without Asking, So Now He’s Demanding They Tear It Down

by Heather Hall

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Nuno Magalhães

It’s not something you hear about every day, but discovering that someone built on your property without asking is definitely an awkward situation.

So, what would you do if your neighbor assumed your land was abandoned and built a playground for his kids?

In the following story, a homeowner has to make this tough decision.

Here’s how it all played out.

AITA for demanding neighbour destroys everything he built on my property?

My grandfather gave me his house since he is now living with my parents. Because it is on the other side of the state, the last time I visited was over two years ago.

Now, I am planning on building a pool, a shed, improving the garden, you get it.

When I came there yesterday, I noticed there is a small house and a small playground for his kids.

When I talked to him, he said that because no one was there for a year, he thought It was abandoned.

To his surprise, his parents didn’t agree with his decision.

He asked me how much I would sell him this part of the property for. I told him I wouldn’t because I was planning on using this part and asked him to move it or destroy it.

Since the playground is big and connected, he isn’t able to move it and would have to destroy most of it.

He was sad but agreed. I gave him 6 months.

Now, when I was talking to my parents, they said I was an *******, and I shouldn’t destroy his kids’ playground.


Yikes! Wouldn’t want to be the one making that decision.

Let’s see what kind of advice the Reddit readers have to offer.

As this person points out, the playground sounded pretty permanent.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This is excellent advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Great thought; sounds about right.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here are some more great points.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sounds like they made the right decision.

Allowing someone to use your land means you assume responsibility for injuries, which is never good.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.