September 18, 2024 at 5:49 am

Strip Mall Landlord Found Out One Of Her Tenants Was Stealing Electricity From Her, So She Decided To Put An End To It And Leave Them Stranded At Work In The Freezing Cold

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit

This guy really didn’t think he was gonna get caught?


Well, I guess we can kind of commend him for trying this, but there was no way it was going to end well…

Read this story from Reddit and see what happened!

Steal Electricity? Good luck getting home!

“This is a story of revenge on the part of our strip mall’s landlord.

A little backstory first. I work for a company that is part of a small strip mall. Located in the strip mall to our immediate left is a Pho restaurant and to the right we have a dental office. Located on the rear of the building between us and the dental office is a maintenance room for the building.

Each store manager has a key to this room. Here’s the problem…


The Pho place moved in back in May or so, and since day one the manager has been plugging his Nissan Leaf into an outlet in the maintenance room to charge.

The car only has a range of about 90 miles and he drives over an hour to work so he has to charge it during the day. This wouldn’t be a problem if he was using the electricity they pay for, but he isn’t.

It’s pretty chilly outside…

This has gone mostly unnoticed by our landlord because she’s rarely around. That is, however, until last night. To plug his car in, the Pho manager had to prop open the door to the maintenance room, and in Iowa, our winters can get fairly brisk.

For instance, today the wind chill is a balmy -20. Some equipment in the maintenance room is temperature controlled and last night the temperature dipped below the acceptable threshold.

When our landlord made her way here, however, the car was gone and the door closed. So when she received another temperature warning this morning, she decided to come back.

Mr. Pho Manager parks his car directly outside our back door so the cord can reach to the maintenance room. So naturally my day begins with our landlord pounding on our back door and demanding to know who the car belongs to.

It’s that guy!

I kindly informed her that it belongs to the manager of the Pho restaurant. When asked why nobody had mentioned it to her I told her I had just assumed she had approved it. I was told in no uncertain terms that she had NOT.

She then proceeded to ask one of my associates how long this had been going on to which he responded it had been occurring since they set up shop in May.

As you can imagine, she was less than thrilled with this news. She proceeded to thank us for our time and storm toward the Pho restaurant.

Now for the revenge.

Our landlord proceeded to call me after approximately 20 minutes to inform me she had spoken with the Pho employees and manager and nobody seemed to remember who drove the car.

Let’s see what happens next…

To solve the problem she came up with a simple solution and unfortunately for them, her pettiness levels are over 9,000. She took their maintenance room key back and proceeded to unplug the charger from his car, finally locking it in her maintenance room.

She was kind enough to leave a note telling the owner if they would like to get home, to give her a call.

The best part is, since the car takes approximately 8 hours for a full charge, Pho Manager plugs it in all day.

But since it had been unplugged less than an hour after being plugged in, when he goes to leave this evening, he’ll not only have to call her to get his charger back, but will have to wait the remaining 7 hours or so for an adequate charge to get home.

Hope he didn’t have plans!”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This person weighed in.

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This person spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another reader shared some info.

Source: Reddit

And this person nailed it.

Source: Reddit

No one likes an electricity stealer!

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