October 1, 2024 at 6:21 pm

Cousins Wouldn’t Shut Off The Lights Or Stop Talking So People Could Sleep, So She Stole Their Lightbulb And Got Some Shut Eye

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

It can be tricky dealing with people who are your family members but aren’t in your immediate family.

Take cousins, for example.

Yes, you’re related and all that jazz, but you have to walk a fine line with them when it comes to conflict.

Take a look at what this person did when they got fed up with their cousins who wouldn’t stop pushing their buttons.

Annoying cousins pushed me too far.

“So this story actually happened when I was about 15-16, but it’s a classic with me and my family.

When I was a kid, and still to this day, we would get a beach house with my aunt and uncle and have a fun week at the beach.

The only part that sucked about our family beach trip was my mom and aunt would invite their cousin and his family.

Not cool!

The son and daughter were just extremely annoying. So one year we had planned to go to Charleston, SC for the day and the drive is about 3 hours so we all were going to bed early.

Since so many stayed in the house I had to sleep in the living room on a blow up mattress.

Sleeping there was not a problem with me, but this night it was.

My cousin slept above me on the 2nd floor, but it was one of those houses with the 2nd floor overlooking the living room.

My cousin was reading with the lights on, which was no big deal to me.

Can you keep it down?

His sister came out of her room and went to say goodnight to him, but they decided to keep talking and laughing and giggling.

I couldn’t sleep so I decided I’d ask them if they could go somewhere else.

I mentioned maybe they could go outside and read and laugh. I did it nicely in hopes that it would do it. I was wrong.

They got mad and asked why I mattered to me. They kept being rude about it. I just ignored them and went downstairs.

They thought it would be funny to get louder and laugh more. So I go up there and ask them more in an annoyed voice to please go somewhere else since I cannot sleep and we have to get up early.

Well they acted like I insulted them.

The boy said why do I need to listen to you? So I turn the lights off on them and go downstairs. The boy says in a sarcastic voice, “well GOODNIGHT sis….”

I think “finally” I can sleep. Wrong because after that they turn the lights on and start laughing and talking loud.

Revenge time.

This was the last straw for me.

I grab the closet keys that they had at this house, I go upstairs, I take the light bulb out, throw the bulb out the door, and lock the lamp in the closet.

This made them so mad.

They started yelling at me and the whole house was awoken to them. The boy starts to cry in effort to get me in trouble.

It doesn’t work this time because they end up getting yelled at by their parents and punished the rest of the trip.

They wanted my parents to punish me too, but my mom gave me a sit down talk and my dad laughed about it.

My aunt and uncle thought it was funny, my older brothers clapped and said we taught you well and my other cousin was glad someone finally did something to them.

I felt like a king that year haha!”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another Reddit user asked a question.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

And this individual was not impressed…

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

You can only push people so far…

Even if they are family.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.