October 13, 2024 at 7:21 pm

Her Roommates Were Constantly Mean To Her, So When One Of Them Got Locked Out Of The House They Asked For Help. She Refused To Help And Roomie Was Locked Out Until Late At Night.

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock

When you are living with roommates you want to do what you can to get along with everyone.

What happens when your roommates really don’t like you but then they try to get you to go out of your way to help them when they are locked out?

That is what the roommate in this story is dealing with and she left them high and dry.

Read on to see if she did the right thing.

AITA for not helping my locked out roommate and being petty?

I (20f) do not get along with my roommates (18-19f).

They tend to gang up on and blame me for things because they are all friends and they treat me as if I am stupid.

Sounds like a difficult living arrangement.

I obviously fight back so now we all mostly ignore each other.

Another thing is I usually spend most of my time at my boyfriend’s (20m) place.

But this is only because of how much I cannot stand my roommates.

Sometimes if I have to collect things from my room or get a package my bf will come with me and wait.

But the last time this happened my roommates (who were all home) approached him and started asking him why he was dating me of all people and just being passive aggressive overall.

They are really awful.

They said things like “Oh you guys just don’t look that good together” and “I never would’ve guessed you two would ever date” or “I can imagine you with x type of girl not her.”

One was being super touchy as well.

Maybe I’m overreacting but I was uncomfortable and my bf got bad vibes as well so now he waits in the car.

Anyways, I was at work when one roommate called.

Sounds like her problem!

I was confused because that never happens but well I answered and she told me that she lost her key and has been locked out of the house.

She wanted me to let her in.

I explained to her that I’m at work and she suggested I hand the key over to my bf and have him open the door for her.

I said sorry and to ask someone else.

She said everyone else is busy.

I said I am too.

She said “I bet ur bf isn’t” and I said “well he is, ask one of your friends instead of bothering me” then hung up.

Serves her right really.

Well apparently she was locked out till 10pm at night (no I didn’t check up on her because I didn’t care) and when I went back home the other day that roommate and one other were annoyed with me and said that they couldn’t believe I’d let a young girl stay out all night and that I need to put my ego aside for things like this.

They also accused me of not trusting my bf and being insecure and having an unstable relationship.

I told them that there were 5 other girls and 2 of them have boyfriends too, she could’ve asked them, especially since they’re all such good friends.

But she changed the topic back to me wanting her to stay out all night and possibly get hurt.

Which is ridiculous, I genuinely don’t care.

I told her to get over herself and that she could’ve waited at a cafe or a library or school (everything 5 mins away and open till 11pm) instead of trying to make a scene and wait outside for 5 hours just because my bf wouldn’t come open the door for her.

She then asked if I even asked him but I just left because what? Lol.

Don’t worry about it, they hated you before anyway.

Anyways, my other roommates think I’m horrible (more than before) and that I’m petty and not a “girl’s girl.”

I didn’t respond to their messages.

I have to stay at my house for two days straight next week so I’m just wondering if maybe I am the AH here?

If so I will apologize.

But otherwise I can deal with their attitude.


It is not her problem to let her irresponsible roommate in the house, even if they weren’t mean.

Take a look at some of the comments.

Good point, her lost key is not your problem.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person wants to escalate the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This comment sums the situation up perfectly.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person thinks they were going to try something with the boyfriend.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yeah, why should she help when none of her friends would .

Source: Reddit/AITA

This girl needs to find some new roommates as soon as possible.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.