October 25, 2024 at 5:22 pm

Schoolyard Bully And His Dad Regretted Their Choices After Messing With The Wrong Kid

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

There are too many bullies in this world, but there are people out there doing the good work and putting them in their place.

This guy’s friend is one of the good ones, and so their school bully ended up paying in spades.

Find out how they took their revenge!

Bully dad and bully son lose everything when they pick on the wrong son

I recently caught up with a child friend of mine who told me this story.

Not every conversation is word-for-word as this happened over 15 years ago and my friend is telling it to me from his memory.

He was very detailed but again, it was from a long time ago.

Cast: OP = me

Bobby = my friend

Mr. B = Bobby’s dad

BD = Bully’s Dad

KB = Kid Bully

He found a friend pretty quick but they got themselves in trouble just as quick…

I knew Bobby back in grade school. We were in the fifth grade and he had just moved in town the year before.

We quickly became good friends over our mutual love of video games.

A kid in our class, we’ll call him Kid Bully, made it his life mission to terrorize me and Bobby.

We were both nerdy and a bit chubby so we were easy targets.

At first, it was just name-calling and some harassment.

We told the teacher who tried her best, but she couldn’t do anything outside of school really.

This is where it gets worse!

The administration would give out detentions but Kid Bully would just fake being sorry and get out of it.

One day, Bobby and I were walking home when Kid Bully and his cronies came out of nowhere and jumped us.

We fought back as best we could but when you have 6 guys against 2, there’s nothing you can really do.

We went back to Bobby’s house and when Bobby’s mom saw us, she called my parents and Bobby’s father, Mr. B (who was separated from Bobby’s mom at the time).

Everyone came over and we explained to them how Kid Bully had been picking on us and today they jumped us.

They took matters to their parents.

My dad and Mr. B were furious.

Mr. B especially and he was very intimidating.

Mr. B was a Navy SEAL. He was on his way out of the Navy in order to be with his family and mend things with his wife.

Mr. B was super intimidating to look at. He was 6-foot-tall, had a huge walrus mustache and was built like a tank.

Mr. B looks over at my parents and tells them he will take care of everything because he was so grateful for me befriending Bobby.

His friend’s father decided to take action!

!That night Mr. B drives over to KB’s house and confronts him and his dad, BD. Bobby and I were in the car and we lowered the window down just enough to hear the conversation.

BD: Who are you?

Mr. B: I am Bobby’s father; your son has been picking on my boy and today jumped him.

BD: What proof do you have?

Mr. B: The bloody nose on my kid’s face and he said your son and his friends did it!

BD: Boys will be boys. Tell your son to grow a pair!

Mr. B: Sir, you make your son apologize to my son now and end this or else.

Things got intense…

BD: Or else what? What are you going to do you wannabe Hulk?

Mr. B grabs BD by the shirt and lifts him up like he was a child.

Mr B: Look pal. I don’t want any trouble. Just tell your son to leave my son and his friends alone.

Mr. B drops BD and walks away with BD screaming in the background calling him every obscenity in the book.

Mr. B gets back in the car and tells us if the kid ever bothers them or anyone else in the class ever again, to let him know immediately.

Bobby had been keeping his dad updated!

For the rest of the school year, KB didn’t mess with us as much but instead spreads his bullying to more kids in the class.

More parents complained and KB was maybe suspended once.

Bobby told his dad every incident and his dad began plotting.

The town we lived in at the time was a big supporter of the military since there was a base nearby.

Needless to say, Mr. B was treated very well by locals and practically worshipped by the local police once they found out he was a SEAL.

Mr. B eventually opened up a business teaching gun safety, self-defense and trained the police SWAT team.

Bobby wasn’t planning on letting this slide.

At the end of the school year, I move away so the rest of the story is all from Bobby.

Over the course of the next few years, Mr. B did some digging on BD and found out that BD owned a business that was heavily subsidized by the government.

They had a number of contracts with the DOD (Department of Defense).

Mr. B called up a few contacts in the Navy.

Since Mr. B had spent over 20 years in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief, he was well connected and it didn’t take long to get BD’s contract revoked and eventually canceled.

BD’s company eventually went into bankruptcy after they lost their credibility and military clearance.

Mr. B knew the man was fishy!

Mr. B also found out that BD was telling everyone he was a retired Navy SEAL.

When Mr. B found out, he knew beyond a doubt BD was lying.

According to Bobby, SEALs can tell each other apart, not by some wink or secret handshake, but by their demeanor.

It’s not an exact science but apparently its very obvious to them.

Anyways, Mr. B knew without a doubt BD was not a SEAL.

On top of that, he double checked in a private database only available to SEALs, the database has a record of every SEAL ever to wear the trident.

That guy was a real scam!

Also, thanks to Freedom of Information Act, you can get military papers from the government to prove if a person has ever served in the military.

Mr. B finds out that BD tried to join the Navy but DOR’d (dropped on request) during basic training.

Mr. B wasn’t’ sure how to reveal this information until one Veterans Day. Mr. B and family went out to lunch for Veteran’s Day.

They went to a local diner that was packed to the brim.

Halfway through their meal, the manager of the restaurant asked all vets to stand so that they could thank them for their service.

Lo and behold KB and BD are there too and BD stands up looking super proud and wearing a faded SEAL t-shirt.

He knew this was his chance!

This is where Mr. B finally had it. Mr. B walks over to BD’s table with a wide grin. The following conversation is again from Bobby’s recollection.

Mr. B: Hey there BD, nice t-shirt, so you were a SEAL?

BD: Yeah. Only the best of the best gets in. Not that you would know.

Mr. B: Actually, I was a Team guy for over 20 years. What BUD/S class were you in? (BUD/S is Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL.

Every SEAL belongs to a class number) BD’s smug drops a little bit, probably realizing that his lies are catching up to him.

BD: Uhh I was class of 82.

Things got bumpy for the bad guy!

Mr. B: 82 eh? So that means you were in the Navy since the early 70s?

BD: What? No, I mean I graduated in the year 1982.

Mr. B: Oh sorry. What was the class number?

BD: Oh it’s been so long I forget. Nervous laughter (No SEAL forgets their class number)

Mr. B: I see. I see. What team were you with?

So many LIES!

BD: Uh I was in Charlie Platoon. We called ourselves the Flying Eagles.

Mr. B: That’s nice but what TEAM?

BD: I just told you. (SEAL Teams are assigned numbers 1-5 and 7-10)

Mr. B: sigh Ok buddy you need to stop faking it. It is disrespectful.

BD: I’m not faking! What the hell would you know!

Mr. B: You’re looking at a REAL SEAL buddy. I asked you basic questions that any real SEAL would know. It’s sad you didn’t even do basic research and understand how we’re even organized!

They broke into an argument.

BD: How dare you accuse me of not being a real SEAL! I served my country with pride!

Mr. B: You served NOTHING! I looked you up, you quit during basic training! You were never in the Navy!

I suggest you take off that t-shirt IMMEDIATELY or I will take it off of you.

The REAL men who earned that symbol have died for your freedom.

It is also a federal crime called Stolen Valor to lie about serving in the military.

The entire restaurant is now watching this scene.

It was obvious, BD was faking it and Mr. B exposed him to everyone.

Eventually, BD lost all the respect he gained by being a fake and was shunned for lying to everyone.

In about a year. BD and his wife divorced and BD moved out of town.

And the finally blow to the bully!

Fast forward a few years, Bobby followed in his Dad’s footsteps in the Navy and became a SEAL himself.

Bobby had a major growth spurt in high school and went from a chubby 5 foot nobody to a 6’3” sledgehammer.

Recently, he attended his high school’s 10 year anniversary where KB was there too.

Unfortunately, KB never changed. He was still very much a mean boy. He was drunk and causing a scene.

When KB saw Bobby, he went into a frenzy and tried to tackle him but you can guess how that went.

KB was arrested for being drunk in public and attempted assault.

Turns out another one KB’s ex-victims became a cop.

The good part is that the bully got what he deserved!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this one.

This user talks in terms of law!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user has an important question!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

That’s right! This person loves the story and how things ended.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user associates the guy with a made-up character!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Sound right! This user has an interesting comparison.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Who would have thought bullies could pay for their actions for years?

Guess it is true when they say “what goes around comes around.”

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.