Her Brother’s Girlfriend Is Acting Like Their Mom Is Her Mom Too, And It’s Getting On Her Nerves So Much That She’s Thinking About Confronting Her Brother’s Girlfriend About It
by Heide Lazaro
How would you feel if someone who isn’t related to you claims that your mom is their mom, too?
This woman is getting annoyed with her brother’s girlfriend because she’s acting like she knows their mom more than she does.
She wants to confront the girlfriend about this, but she’s not sure if it’s a good idea.
Read the full story below for all the details.
WIBTA If I told my brother’s girlfriend that my mom is not her mom?
My brother (21M) has a girlfriend (21F) who is starting to get on a lot of my (24F) family’s nerves for different reasons.
They’ve been together for almost 4 years.
The most prevalent issue to me is the ownership she seems to feel over my mom.
She hates that her brother’s GF calls their mom “Mama.”
My mom and I have always been really close, like insanely close.
My brother’s girlfriend acts like she is jealous of that, and is trying to have that same relationship with my mom.
For one thing, she calls my mom, “Mama.”
She claims that she couldn’t say her name when she and my brother first got together.
The GF thinks she’s just copying her.
She also claims that she came up with the term “mama,” because I called my mom “mom.”
I had long called my mom “Mama,” and that was even her name in my phone.
But now when I say the term, I am accused of copying my brother’s girlfriend.
However, I don’t think she should even be calling her that, because she’s not her mom.
I shouldn’t be having to compete over what I’m allowed to call my own mom.
Then, the GF also acts like she knows their mom better.
Secondly, she is acting like she knows my mom more than I do.
I moved 2.5 hours away for a year.
Now, I visited at least every other weekend, and sometimes, stayed for days on end.
I talked to my mom on the phone every single day for hours and hours and hours.
Now, my brother’s girlfriend is claiming that I was gone for a year, and that she has gotten to know my mom better than I do.
She got infuriated!
My mom and I actually got into a very small argument one morning, and I was like, “Why are you being mean?”
My brother’s girlfriend jumped in and said, “She’s always like that, you’ll get used to it.”
I was livid.
How is she going to get involved in my argument with my own mom and pretend she knows what she’s like and I don’t?
Here are other things the GF does that annoy her.
She also invites herself to things my mom and I do alone.
She puts herself into my mom and my traditions—things my brother has never been apart of.
She also comes over when my brother’s working, and my mom and I are left to babysit her.
She even physically gets between my mom and me at times.
Now, she wants to confront her!
Also, she oversteps her boundaries at my mom’s house.
She was eating groceries as my mom was putting them away, instead of helping her clean up.
She answers my mom’s phone out of her own pocket!
I feel like I’m getting to my boiling point, and I think I either need to say something to her or my brother.
I don’t want to have to compete with my brother’s girlfriend for my own mom.
Wow! I wonder what the girlfriend’s relationship is like with her real mother.
Let’s check out how others react to this story on Reddit…
This user shares some helpful advice.
While this person shares their honest opinion.
The whole thing is weird, says this person.
Finally, here’s another suggestion from this user.
She really needs to talk to her mother about this.
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