January 16, 2025 at 10:22 pm

His Neighbor Is An Extremely Loud Gamer, So He And His Friends Beat Him At His Own Game

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/cottonbro studio

Incessant noise is really hard to live with, but sometimes your friends can help change things when the culprit inevitably digs himself into a hole.

Here’s how the tenant in this story turned the tables on his loud neighbor.

Read on, because you’re going to love it.

Entitled neighbour caught by his own police call

A few years back I had a small 2 room flat in a very old building in which you could hear everything.

My bedroom was right next to the wall of my neighbours (27m) flat.

He was a stupid lunatic who always played video games until 4 or 5 am.

Every time he would lose he would start screaming, throwing things around and punching the wall, waking me up almost every night.

But two can play this game.

At the time I was doing 2 jobs and needed every second of sleep i could get.

I tried talking to him on several occasions, but nothing helped.

One time when i was out for work I even left my sound system run a mix of artillery and machine gun barrages just to show him how annoying this stuff could be.

But as entitled people are it didn’t do any good.

Fast forward a few months and nothing improved and i was getting crazy about this.

One Saturday night i had a little poker game running in my flat with a few friends.

And my neighbour was having one of his usual tantrums.

Since I had guests and they didn’t like we turned up the music.

Everybody listened something different so there was a good mix of death metal, techno, industrial and hardcore.

My neighbour was furious at some point and apparently called the police to file a noise complaint.

And his neighbor is about to get a rude awakening.

Luckily when they pulled up one of my guys saw them driving up as he was out for quick cigarette.

We turned the music down before they came up.

So when they rang the doorbell and i opened they could not hear anything to noisy just a few guys having some beer and a little poker game.

They told us there was a noise complaint from a neighbour saying it was to loud and that this was something constant.

We told them we’ve been like this for hours.

Then I had a genius idea. I asked them if my neighbour called them, which of course they couldn’t answer but i knew what was what.

So I invited the two cops in and told them i’d show them what real noise disturbance looked like.

I led them to my bedroom where one could still hear my neighbour throwing tantrums and I told the cops the whole story, and since they were already here that I would like to file a noise complaint against him.

Things are about to quiet down.

The cops were shocked at the noise you could hear from the other flat and went directly over to HIS flat to tell him to shut the heck up and that he would get reprimanded by written letter to keep the noise down and don’t call police for false emergencies.

I had a huge laugh as the cops came back to tell me to call them when he did something like this again because in that case I would be able to file charges.

He thought the police would shut me down instead it was the other way around.

I never slept better than that night and finally i had some peace at home.

Here is what folks are saying.

That sounds terrible!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

A man who didn’t grow up?

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

You can’t reason with people who are like this.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

UGH how frustrating.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Haha! I doubt it.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Giving gamers a bad name.

The struggle is real.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.