March 10, 2025 at 9:21 am

Her Workers Complained That She Got More In Tips, So She Let Them Take Her Tables To Figure Out Why She Made More Money

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/Tima Miroshnichenko/Reddit

Not always, but there’s often a reason why some workers make more than others.

There will always be people who want a piece of that pie.

See why this server enjoyed letting them have a larger piece.

Want my section because I make more money. Go ahead I will still make more than you.

I was a waitress for a Village Inn and I worked the morning shift because it had the most business.

This is back when smoking was still allowed in restaurants and we had a smoking section and a non smoking section.

Our seating chart was designed for this in mind and never changed even after the restaurant went full non smoking.

She did very well.

On Sunday we had your wonderful church rush that would pack the entire place for hours. So Sunday was totally non smoking until 3pm.

On the weekends we would have about 8 servers.

This meant that smoking side had 2 while the other side had 6. So if you worked the smoking side you had 10 tables to take care of while the other servers had 4.

Management knew I was good at what I did and would always put me in the biggest section on Sunday and I could take care of all 10 of the tables no problem.

Servers always talk about their tips and without fail I always made more than anyone else.

This caused anger from some of the newer servers and they said it was because I always got the better section.

Management came to me and told me what was going on that’s when we decided to take action.

You can have my section next Sunday and I will take this small section.

But since I am on the other side of the restaurant I will not be able to help you much.

Then she let them regret it.

I then got to enjoy a less stressful Sunday did my job like normal turned my tables and made a ton of money.

The other server was running around like crazy and not getting much done.

At the end of the shift they learned that they made less than the week before because of how bad they were taking care of their tables and the church crowd are horrible if you aren’t taking care of them right.

It was always great to hear the server say you can have your section back I don’t want it ever again.

Now this was not a 1 time thing this happened many times over the 5 years I worked there.

Every time it happened I still made more money.

Every time we would get a new server complain, I just smiled and said go ahead take my section. I could use a break.

Here is what folks are saying.

I thought that was going to happen!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Some people want the world handed to them.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

They are SO key!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

But that would require effort!

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

You’d think this would be common sense, but alas.

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

I bet they zipped their mouths tight after that!

And hopefully got to be better servers.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.