March 16, 2025 at 4:22 pm

Her Friend Tried To Guilt Her Into Buying A Ticket To Her Expensive Upcoming Concert, But She Told Her Friend That She Wasn’t a Real Artist

by Ben Auxier

woman sings into microphone at night


How far is far enough to support a friend?

And how far is too far?

That’s at the core of the question in today’s story.

Two friends don’t see eye to eye about whether a concert is worth splurging on, and one friend made a comment that she thinks might’ve been a big mistake.

Let’s read all the details.

AITA for telling a friend that she’s not an artist when she pressured me to attend her expensive ‘concert?’

For some context I work while completing my postgraduate degree.

My family doesn’t have the means to support me financially so I’m pretty frugal, I avoid debt and always have an emergency savings just to be safe as there is no other back up options (in fact I’m the back up option for my siblings at times

But let’s introduce Rani.

I have a close friend Rani who is the opposite, she’s easy going and doesn’t care about being in debt or living pay check to paycheck as YOLO.

Difference is her mother works over time to pay for her bills regularly so she doesn’t worry about debt being a problem

Pretty soon, she’ll be singin’ the blues.

Rani likes karaoke and has recently joined an Indian music group as a guest participant (last few months), they’re apparently holding a concert now and Rani is insisting that I purchase a ticket and go to watch her sing.

Ticket for this concert is $70.

I told Rani that this was too much and that I wasn’t in a position to be able to spend that much, esp as I recently had unexpected costs which she’s aware of.

Rani tried to guilt her friend into going to the concert.

She kept insisting that I should go, that she knows I can afford it, & that I’m being a bad friend, ticket price is cheap etc.

I told her if it was so cheap, she can give me a ticket but for me it was not cheap.

She then started complaining that I should be wanting to support her, that I never support her when she wants to go out to these big events

(Not true, in the last few years I’ve gone to quiet a few “events” that she insisted I attend, each costing 80-150, though I don’t go to every single one due to how busy I am + cost factor ).

That should probably have been the end of it, but it escalated.

This is where I may have messed up. I told her that it wasn’t a big deal if I didn’t go.

And when she said “come on I’ll be singing”

I said “yeah but you’re not an artist/singer, you’re doing this for fun, its not like this is your career”

She got really angry at that and said “just cause you can’t sing, doesn’t mean I can’t hold a concert” she called me an AH, among some other names.

So who’s in the wrong here?

We haven’t talked since and I’m wondering AITA for saying that.

Cost was the main reason why I couldn’t go but she kept pushing and wouldn’t accept that being as valid and I think I made careless comment.

I didn’t think she’d be offended since singing is a new hobby she’s picked up and its never been more.


It sounds like her friend is taking this singing hobby more seriously now, but she still shouldn’t guilt a friend into spending money on a concert.

Let’s see what the comments on Reddit have to say about this story.

2025 02 25 18 45 43 Her Friend Tried To Guilt Her Into Buying A Ticket To Her Expensive Upcoming Concert, But She Told Her Friend That She Wasnt a Real Artist

Honestly, everyone sucks here…

2025 02 25 18 46 00 Her Friend Tried To Guilt Her Into Buying A Ticket To Her Expensive Upcoming Concert, But She Told Her Friend That She Wasnt a Real Artist

No means no, yo.

2025 02 25 18 46 27 Her Friend Tried To Guilt Her Into Buying A Ticket To Her Expensive Upcoming Concert, But She Told Her Friend That She Wasnt a Real Artist

They don’t seem like great friends.

2025 02 25 18 47 03 Her Friend Tried To Guilt Her Into Buying A Ticket To Her Expensive Upcoming Concert, But She Told Her Friend That She Wasnt a Real Artist

If this is something you want to do, you gotta be more professional about it.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.