Photograph by KEN RIPPENGALE Deilephila elpenor, known as the Elephant Hawk-moth, is a large moth of the Sphingidae family. The species is found throughout Britain and Ireland. Its range extends across Europe, Russia, and into China, northern parts of the Indian subcontinent, Japan and Korea (though not Taiwan). Introduced specimens have been found in…
Artwork by RIUSUKE FUKAHORI | Photograph by DOMINIC ALVES Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori creates incredible three-dimensional artwork by applying acrylic paint on multiple layers of transparent liquid resin. The resin is mixed with a hardener or catalyst, allowing Riusuke to paint each successive layer (similar to a 3D printer), eventually creating a ‘sculptural painting’…
Photograph by CHRISTINE and DAVID SCHMITT Below is collection of bizarre hybrid animals with interesting hybridized namesakes. The majority of these animals do not occur naturally in the wild and have been bred by humans which has stirred much controversy and criticism. For most of these animals, while successfully crossed, the offspring tend…
ONWARD AND UPWARD Photograph by VITALY SOKOL aka WILLYAM BRADBERRY This fantastic capture of a dolphin jumping off into the sunset seemed most fitting for the final picture of 2011. The Sifter can’t wait for 2012, it’s going to be a glorious year. All the best to our readers around the world,…
Photograph by FLASHFLOOD STUDIOS The Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), also known as the dwarf leopard, is a wild cat distributed over South and Central America and Mexico, but has been reported as far north as Texas and in Trinidad, in the Caribbean. The ocelot is similar in appearance to a domestic cat. Its fur…
ADORABLE WATERPROOF DUCKLING Photograph via Reddit Not only is this duckling adorable, but the photograph wonderfully illustrates the waterproof abilities of ducks. Did you know a special gland called the uropygial gland (or the preen gland) is one key physical trait that helps to keep ducks on top of the water? This…
THE MIGHTY GREAT WHITE SHARK Photograph by DAVID LITCHFIELD Photographer David Litchfield took this incredible photograph of cage divers confronting a massive great white shark on the Isla de Guadalupe. The shot was one of the finalists of National Geographic’s annual photo contest. It’s hard to tell how big this shark is,…
RARE CYCLOPS SHARK Photograph by Marcela Bejarano-Alvarez An extremely rare cyclops shark (pictured) has been confirmed in Mexico, new research shows. The 22-inch-long (56-centimeter-long) fetus has a single, functioning eye at the front of its head—the hallmark of a congenital condition called cyclopia, which occurs in several animal species, including humans. Cyclops…
BABY CHAMELEONS BRANCHING OUT Original Photographs by Igor Siwanowicz | Digital Artwork by Takacica @ deviantART The fantastic image above by Takacica was created from two stunning photographs by Igor Siwanowicz (picture 1, picture 2). These seven-day old baby chameleon hatchlings measure approximately 1.5cm (0.6 in) in length. Adorable! Takacica and…
THE MINIATURE NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL Photograph by JASON IDZERDA The Northern Saw-whet Owl is a small owl native to North America. Their habitat is coniferous forests, sometimes mixed or deciduous woods, across North America. They live in tree cavities and old nests made by other small raptors. Some are permanent residents, while…