THE GREAT GREY OWL Photograph by JARI PELTOMAKI on Google+ Photographer Jari Peltomaki’s Remarks: Great Grey Owl is my favourite bird species and I have done a lot of photography with them in Finland. I also arrange workshops to photograph them when there is a good situation to photograph them! The Great…
DEXTER THROWS A MOUSE Photograph by ANGELO DESANTIS Reminiscent of the equally awesome cat loves snow pic, this capture of Dexter the cat tossing a mouse is priceless. Just one of those candid shots by photographer Angelo DeSantis that makes the Internet awesome 🙂 via Angelo DeSantis on Flickr …
TYRANNOSAURUS SEX Photograph by MARIO MODESTO You thought that was a typo didn’t you? But oh no, the headline is correct and this exhibit is very real. You can see it for yourself at the Jurassic Museum of Asturias in Spain. And in case the skeletons cast in a mating position weren’t…
Photograph by DECKSTER1965 CHEETAHS: THE WORLD’S FASTEST LAND ANIMALS The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a large-sized feline inhabiting most of Africa and parts of the Middle East. They are the only felid with non-retractable claws and pads that, by their scope, disallow gripping (therefore cheetahs cannot climb vertical trees, although they are…
Photograph by A. KNIESEL Who knew the Ostrich was such a notable record-holder in the Animal Kingdom? Not only is it the world’s largest bird; it also lays the largest eggs [of any bird] and is the fastest two-legged animal on land (sorry Usain Bolt)! Here are 10 things you might not have known…
Caterpillar 30x Magnification (5mm width) | Photograph by OLIVER MECKES Electron microscopes help bring nanoscience to life, providing a level of detail to scientists that was simply not available mere decades ago. The FEI Company is a worldwide leader in electron microscope technology. Below you will find a small collection of images from scientists…
Photograph by TERRY GOSS The Great White Shark is one of nature’s greatest and most feared predators. Though not the ‘ferocious man-eater’ they are depicted to be in the blockbuster film Jaws, the great white shark is an intimidating creature with awesome power and speed. Enjoy the 20 incredible photographs below along with some…
Photograph by TODD RYBURN Beautiful, deadly and endangered. The tiger is all of these. Below you will find 15 fascinating facts and 25 incredible photographs of this magnificent animal. 2. Photograph by MILA ZINKOVA 3. Photograph by MIKE SEAMONS The tiger is the largest of the four “big cats” (lions, jaguars,…
Photograph by Natalie Manuel The mighty lion is the second largest cat in the world (tigers are the biggest), with some males weighing more than 550 lbs (250kg)! Residing in both Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, these magnificent creatures are a sight to behold. With no natural predators, these big cats rule the land they roam.…
Photograph by Nick Brandt 1. Did you know there are only three species of elephant living today? They are: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant (also known as the Indian elephant). All other species are extinct. Photograph by Nick Brandt 2. Elephants are the world’s largest land animals now…