She’s the newest addition to the Royal Caribbean fleet and the world’s largest cruise ship. With 2,700 rooms spanning 16 decks, the Allure of the Seas is like a miniature city, travelling from Fort Lauderdale to the Carribbean at a comfortable 22 knots. Oh and there’s a Starbucks on board… Below you will find…
RED-EYED TREE FROG – Photograph by MARCUS LIM To deny the awesomeness of frogs would be foolish. They are colourful, they are diverse, and if they were the size of humans, they could leap over buildings! Below you will find 10 facts and 25 pictures about our amphibious friends, the mighty Frog! All hail!…
Photograph by SUREN MANVELYAN Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is based upon the swift and energy-efficient traversing of one’s surrounding environment. It is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. Skills such as…
Natsumi Hayashi loves to levitate. Always equipped with her Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Natsumi photographs herself floating around Tokyo. To achieve the look of levitation it’s crucial that you don’t appear to be jumping. That means a controlled facial expression and lack of movement (i.e., hair and body flailing about). It should look like…
Stock photography is the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfill the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer. Today, stock images are available in massive online databases with millions of photos. They can be purchased and delivered online, and often, they are produced in studios using a…
Photograph by Ben Garcia Ahhh snowboarding, my favourite winter sport. It’s just you, the mountain, and every now and then, a whole lot of air. There are countless tricks in snowboarding. From grabs to spins to flips, and of course combinations of all three. In this post the Sifter outlines the 5 essential snowboard grabs…
Welcome to the first in a series of color explorations by the Sifter. Tapping into the wonderful photography community at Flickr, a search as simple as the color “RED” generates over 11 million results! Below you will find 20 photographs that caught my eye along with some fascinating facts about this primary color. 1. Red…
The ‘Hover Hand’ is a scientific marvel. Pundits claim the photographic evidence is proof of an invisible force field that surrounds ‘special beings’. Skeptics think the theory is preposterous and clearly magnets are at play… but nobody knows how those work. I present to you 25 exhibits of this strange phenomena for you to…
Bora Bora is perhaps the closest we’ll get to Heaven on Earth. Located about 260 kilometers (160 miles) northwest of Tahiti, Bora Bora is part of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France claimed in 1843. With a land area of 44 sq km (16.9 sq miles) and a population under…
In 2010 there was a lot to protest. The BP oil spill, Conan vs Leno, The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, The Ground Zero Mosque and Proposition 8 just to name a few. And with every protest you will find a joker, expressing their right to be funny. Here are the 25 funniest protest…