Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov have gained a lot of notoriety with the video above this week (posted yesterday on the Sifter). The video, released on Wednesday February 12, 2014, has already been viewed over 8 million times. It shows the duo (who together are OnTheRoofs), climbing the still under-construction Shanghai Tower. Upon its…
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to!…
THE 2014 SOCHI WINTER OLYMPICS FROM SPACE Photograph by NASA ISS038-E-042992 (10 Feb. 2014) — One of the Expedition 38 crew members aboard the International Space Station downlinked this vertical 600mm night view of Sochi, Russia, which clearly shows the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics while they are just a few…
It all started over Christmas break when Pierce Thiot (the beard) participated in his family’s holiday ‘talent show’ by trying to put as many pencils as he could into his beard. His wife, photographer Stacy Thiot, snapped a pic and Will It Beard was born. Since then the couple have taken a series of…
Photograph by K. Jonas Nordby Runologist K. Jonas Nordby has decoded a 900-year-old Viking rune alphabet known as Jötunvillur. The mysterious inscriptions were found on over 80 different objects ranging from sticks to stones. The discovery was first reported on (Norwegian) where Nordby explains: “It’s like solving a puzzle. Gradually I began to…
Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov sneaked into the Shanghai Tower (still under construction) and climbed not only to the top, but scaled to the end of a crane that currently sits atop the roof. Upon its completion in 2014, Shanghai Tower will stand approximately 632 metres (2,073 ft) high and will have 121 storeys.…
THIS IS HOW YOU RECREATE A CHILDHOOD PIC BROTHER! Photographer Unknown via j0be on reddit Now this is how you recreate a childhood photo with your childhood idol! I couldn’t find much information on the image so I’m unsure how many years apart this is but Hulk Hogan has aged pretty well!…
Jane Perkins is a UK artist that uses found objects and recycled materials to create something new. In an ongoing series entitled plastic classics, Perkins recreates famous artworks and portraits using found objects. On her website Perkins says she gets most of her materials from charity shops, boot sales and the recycling centre in…
Austrian artist Klemens Torggler is reimagining the door. His designs are based on rotating squares without the use of tracks. The door displayed in the video above (and images below) is entitled Evolution Door. The two halves of the door are attached by pivots at the bottom and top of the frame and a…