Dog is Adorably Bad at Catching Treats

Meet Lucy, a golden retriever that is adorably bad at catching treats.
Meet Lucy, a golden retriever that is adorably bad at catching treats.
Remember the angry ram that took down the motorcyclist last year? His name is Rambro and he’s back! This time he takes on his toughest challenger yet, a punching bag. You can see the original angry ram vs motorcyclist videos here and here.
Second-hand shells provide shelter for hermit crabs, giving their soft bodies extra protection from predators. But the crabs frequently need to find new homes as they grow bigger. Even if an empty shell is unsuitable for a hermit crab’s latest size requirements, they don’t carry on their house hunt elsewhere. Instead, they wait for…
David Attenborough travels to south Australia to listen to the incredible sounds of the Lyrebird. The birds are most notable for their superb ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment. Listen as this lyrebird not only mimics the sounds of surrounding birds but chainsaws, car alarms and camera shutters. The clip…
This cat is laser focused and possibly focusing on a laser. Either way he’s in a trance and there’s no way you’re getting him out of it until he is good and ready. The title is loosely based on a quote from German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “He who fights with monsters should look to…
Musician Paul Barton took his piano to the mountains of Kanchanaburi, Thailand to play for some very old, injured and handicapped elephants, especially a blind elephant named Plara (immediately behind the piano). For those curious, all the keys are made from synthetic plastic material. The song is Slow movement (2) from Beethoven’s Pathétique Sonata…
Watch an adorable Bull Terrier play on her owner’s bed, tiring herself out in the process. All that spinning even made me dizzy! The video has been going viral on Facebook and was brought to our attention by one of our readers, Nancy Kennedy. Thanks Nancy!
Watch as this English bulldog (complete with adorable goggles) wave at passing motorists. She even sticks her tongue out!
Watch the adorable exchange between an elderly man and a hummingbird in Barretos, Brazil. One provides nourishment and the other brings joy, what a beautiful relationship!
A horse was seen wandering into the Cheshire Police Headquarters last Monday. The horse had broken loose from a field near the police HQ located in the town of Winsford, England. The wandering stallion casually strolled through the automatic sliding doors and was safely escorted back to its owner. Police recently released the CCTV…
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