The Only Video You’ll Need to Understand the Rolling Shutter Effect

Destin of Smarter Every Day uses a high-speed camera and Adobe After Effects to thoroughly explain the ‘rolling shutter effect’
Destin of Smarter Every Day uses a high-speed camera and Adobe After Effects to thoroughly explain the ‘rolling shutter effect’
Even when you know what’s happening and why, it’s always bewildering to see
Watch as the rolling shutter effect makes the guitar strings appear to wobble and look like little sine waves
Professional photographer Thomas Leuthard shares 23 street photography tips you can use on your next outing
Watch COOPH (The Cooperative of Photography) give a brief video history lesson on photography from its inception to today
Artist and designer Kelli Anderson has created a pop-up book that turns into a working 4×5 pinhole camera.
The sky is no longer the limit. Check out the insane zoom on Nikon’s Coolpix P900 as it captures the moon in remarkable detail.
In Argentina, a person dies in a car accident almost every hour. 80% of those happen on roads, often when cars are attempting to overtake another vehicle.
The Slow Mo Guys shows you how insanely quick the inside of a DSLR camera moves when it takes a picture, by filming it at 10,000 fps. The camera shown is a Canon 7D and the video shows you how a rolling shutter works. Video was shot with a Phantom Flex at 10,000 fps.…
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