These Before and After Photos of Coral Reef Restoration Are Eye Opening

A new algorithm called ‘Sea-thru’ removes the visual distortion caused by water
“Coral Colors” is an amazing timelapse video by NNtonio Rod
CORAL GARDEN AT LOW TIDE Photograph by Virupa on reddit In this remarkable scene, we see an exposed coral garden at low tide. The photo was taken by biologist and redditor Virupa, who took the shot in front of Lizard Island at Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The island straight ahead in the…
The Sifter’s favourite underwater photographer, Alexander Semenov, is back with another amazing gallery. Entitled Living Stones, Semenov explores the different patterns and textures of stony corals in the Red Sea. Captured at high magnification, you can really appreciate the intricate detail and colour on the surfaces of these living creatures. Corals are marine invertebrates…
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