Off-Duty Rescue Worker Successfully Administers CPR to Baby Elephant Struck by Motorist

And the baby elephant was later reunited with its mother
And the baby elephant was later reunited with its mother
Take a moment to enjoy this beautiful.. moment
A touching moment caught on film at an Elephant Sanctuary in Botswana
I wasn’t convinced until they repeated the gesture for a second time
Ampan is an 80 year old female that lives at the Elephants World Sanctuary in Thailand
Shout out to the cameraman who didn’t even flinch
The herd runs to greet newly rescued baby elephant “Dok Geaw” at the Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary in Thailand
A family of wild elephants are seen walking down a road inside Khao Yai National Park in Thailand
We’re only beginning to understand how intelligent and empathetic elephants truly are
“Elephant Walk” features a family of three elephants strolling through trees and grass
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