Homemade 90,000 Lumen Flashlight is Ridiculously Bright

Shine bright like a…
Shine bright like a…
The Slow Mo Guys make a fire tornado using 12 box fans, a metal bucket and some kerosene and film the entire thing in super slow motion.
In 2013, Stanford students launched a weather balloon into space. Two years later, a hiker found the lost payload and returned the footage.
These guys wanted to see exactly how much ink was left and the results might upset you.
Joachim Müllner sings the same song in 15 different environments—including an anechoic chamber—to experiment with natural reverb, early reflections and short delays.
Adam and Jamie take on one of the biggest tv myths around, Walter White’s booby trap from the Breaking Bad series finale.
Microbiologist and teacher, Tasha Sturm, recently took a handprint of her son after he had been playing outside and incubated and photographed the results.
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