The Allure of the Seas is the largest passenger ship ever constructed and the statistics are simply mind-boggling: – 225,282 GRT (gross register tonnage) – 1,187 feet (362 meters) long – 215 feet (66 meters) wide – 213 feet (65 meters) high from the water line – 30 feet (9.1 meters) draft – 22 knots…
Hong Yi is an artist/architect from Malaysia known as, ‘the artist who loves to paint, but not with a paintbrush’. She also goes by the nickname ‘Red’ because Hong sounds like the word ‘red’ in Mandarin. Last month, Hong challenged herself to create a new piece of food art for every day of March…
We all know some foods have a much higher Calorie content than others, but how many of us know what that difference actually looks like? Information website wiseGEEK sought to answer this question way back on January 3, 2007. The result was a fascinating article that compares over 71 foods! The images below are…
Brock Davis is an award-winning, multidisciplinary artist and creative director with a knack for creating ground-breaking work. Brock has worked in advertising for the past 17 years, most recently as group creative director at Carmichael Lynch. When he isn’t busy making ads he’s busy making other things, like one piece of art every day…
In this series we look at the incredible, over-sized oil paintings of fruit by Ohio artist, Dennis Wojtkiewicz [voy-KEV-itch]. While the realism is impressive, it’s Wojtkiewicz’s use of light and translucence that allows each painting to take on a meditative quality. Regarding his work, Wojtkiewicz states: “Each painting is constructed by beginning with a…
New York City graphic designer Jon Chonko has been faithfully scanning his sandwiches since February 20, 2009 (#12 below was the first ever). He posts the results on his addictive tumblr site From the colossal Dagwood to the classic BLT, you’ll find an extensive archive of both homemade and store-bought sandwiches. The successful…
FRACTAL CAULIFLOWER Photograph by Jon Sullivan Romanesco broccoli, or Roman cauliflower, is an edible flower of the species Brassica oleracea, and a variant form of cauliflower. First documented in Italy, it is light green in colour and approximates a natural fractal. Romanesco broccoli’s inflorescence (the bud) has an approximate self-similar character, with…
In botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissues of the flower, one or more ovaries, and in some cases accessory tissues. Fruits are the means by which these plants disseminate seeds. Many of them that bear edible fruits, in particular, have propagated with the movements of…
THE POWER OF AN ORANGE Photograph by Caleb Charland In this awesome photograph by Caleb Charland, we see an LED located inside sliced wedges of an orange. The cool part is that the LED is powered by the orange itself. As Caleb explains: “Recently one Sunday I spent the day at the…
Oscar Ramos is an artist and illustrator from Santiago, Chile. In a public service announcement by the Government of Chile, the print campaign below entitled, “Elige Vivir Sano” (Choose Healthy Living) encourages citizens to “Exercise their will power” and choose to live a healthy lifestyle. In the brilliant illustrations below, Oscar envisions the constant…