McDonald’s Tamago Double Mac – Japan Serving approximately 64 million customers daily in 119 countries around the world, Mcdonald’s is easily the world’s largest fast food restaurant chain. Employing over 1.5 million people in more than 31,000 chains, McDonald’s offers a variety of exotic dishes to cater to the unique local tastes of…
It should come as no surprise that Tokyo, Japan is the mecca of theme restaurants. From deranged hospitals to ninja waiters, there is no shortage of bizarre culinary experiences awaiting to delight and baffle your senses. Below are three interesting examples, but there are many more in Tokyo and around the world. From…
ITALY – Basil, pasta, tomatoes These delicious flags were designed for the Sydney International Food Festival by the advertising agency WHYBINTBWA. It’s a fantastic concept that creates a nation’s flag from the food associated with the country. Now many of you will likely disagree with some of the foods selected to symbolize a…
Los Alamos Vineyards, Santa Barbara – Photograph by CHUCK ABBE Wine making is a true art form with practitioners all over the world. The vineyards from which our wines derive are some of the most beautiful landscapes around the globe. From the Old World vineyards of Europe like Italy and France; to the…
Your typical cookbook uses the following sequence: 1. List ingredients 2. Show step-by-step cooking instructions 3. Close-up beauty shot of the final product (i.e., were it made by a professional chef, in a photography studio, with the aid of a food stylist and lighting technician, captured by a professional photographer) Step 1 and Step 2…