Guy Goes on Subway With Ridiculous Fake Book Covers and Records People’s Reactions
Some of the book covers could be considered not safe for work (nsfw)
Some of the book covers could be considered not safe for work (nsfw)
He even tries to cheat at 2:22! Watch chess grandmaster Maurice Ashley play a trash talking guy in NYC’s Washington Square Park
Reddit user Muppaphone spotted this miniature VW Beetle on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Entomology Collection
Well played professor, well played.
It’s Jimmy Kimmel’s 5th annual, “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy”.
This guy made a custom Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer) that only he can lift. The secret is a fingerprint scanner that turns off the battery-powered magnet inside.
Her laugh is infectious. What a priceless moment the both of them will always cherish.
The moment he realizes what’s happening will put a smile on your face 🙂
Students at a high school in Arkansas decided to have a little fun on picture day, passing around a pineapple shirt and seeing how many times it could appear in photos. I wonder how long it took the photographer to notice? It’s fun to guess what order they might have gone in by their…
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