Guy Makes Shark Tank Episode Out of Asking his GF if He Can Go to Vegas

If you’ve ever watched ‘Shark Tank’, this is pretty accurate!
If you’ve ever watched ‘Shark Tank’, this is pretty accurate!
As the Oscar-winning short film “Stutterer” shows, communication, like love, is never easy.
A short video essay on the importance of old friends by ‘The School of Life’
The next time someone talks about relationship goals show them this
Gary’s goofy snaps about his wife Liz are kind of adorable.
Mutually beneficial relationships are a beautiful thing, and the hermit crab and sea anemone are better off together than on their own
Remaining calm around people who annoy us is one of the great life skills; it’s also a teachable and learnable
Meet Bella, a Grizzly Bear rescued by Casey Anderson. In this clip we see Anderson teaching the female cub about space and boundaries
It starts off like a typical, crappy weight-loss video and then all of a sudden
Despite the physical distance and 14 hour time difference, this couple finds a way to stay connected and creative together.
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