May 9, 2016 at 10:21 am
How to Husk a Coconut According to Chief Kap Te’o-Tafiti

Chief Kap Te’o-Tafiti of the Polynesian Cultural Center’s Samoan Village shows how to husk a coconut… with his teeth!
Chief Kap Te’o-Tafiti of the Polynesian Cultural Center’s Samoan Village shows how to husk a coconut… with his teeth!
Photograph by Simon Clancy Located in the village of Lotofaga (population: 1,089) on the south coast of Upolu island in Samoa, is the To Sua Ocean Trench. An all-natural swimming hole with a large ladder and small dock, visitors can pay a fee ($15 for adults, $6 for children 7-15, free for kids under…
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