Watch This Machine Prints Brick Roads

This amazing road-building machine rolls out brick lanes like a carpet, creating roads anywhere from 3-20 ft wide. The road printer can lay 500 square meters (5,380 sq ft) in a single day.
This amazing road-building machine rolls out brick lanes like a carpet, creating roads anywhere from 3-20 ft wide. The road printer can lay 500 square meters (5,380 sq ft) in a single day.
It’s not an autonomous self-driving car, but rather the ultimate cruise control system.
The Microsoft Hololens team debuts a ‘mixed reality’ gaming demo called Project X-Ray. The potential for this type of interactive experience is pretty exciting!
The son of cartoonist Bil Keane (The Family Circus), Glen learned early on the importance of holding onto your childhood creativity—and how art can powerfully convey emotion.
Project Sunroof wants to map the planet’s solar potential, one rooftop at a time.
Some might even call this… “auto-erotica” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Google Translate team test their new app in 27 languages as they translate Ritchie Valens’ hit song, La Bamba.
Two hackers have developed a tool that can hijack a Jeep over the internet. WIRED senior writer Andy Greenberg takes the SUV for a spin on the highway while the hackers attack it from miles away.
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