This is the Most Impressive 360 Video Demo Yet

If you have Chrome or the YouTube app on your phone, check out this video!
If you have Chrome or the YouTube app on your phone, check out this video!
USA’s “Mark II” challenges Japan’s “Kuratas” to a duel. Japan responds accordingly
The sky is no longer the limit. Check out the insane zoom on Nikon’s Coolpix P900 as it captures the moon in remarkable detail.
The Yaskawa Bushido Project pits an industrial robot against a world champion sword master in a competition of deadly accuracy with a samurai sword.
In Argentina, a person dies in a car accident almost every hour. 80% of those happen on roads, often when cars are attempting to overtake another vehicle.
Breathtaking 4K compilation of timelapses from the International Space Station set to the beautiful music of Ludovico Einaudi. Editing by Dmitry Pisanko.
The speed of the lasers is remarkable to watch. The whole process takes just over two minutes!
In this informative video, Seth Bling discusses neural evolution and explains how a machine learning Mario teaches us about evolution.
Google’s Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects. The team adds: “Our hands are fast and precise instruments, but so far,…
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