Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer
Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori creates incredible three-dimensional artwork by applying acrylic paint on multiple layers of transparent liquid resin. The resin is mixed with a hardener or catalyst, allowing Riusuke to paint each successive layer (similar to a 3D printer), eventually creating a ‘sculptural painting’ that can be viewed at various angles and vantage points. The time-consuming technique gives his work incredible depth and realism.
The artist also uses more traditional painting skills to enhance the 3D effect. These include representations of shading and reflection, feathering soft edges, controlling the opacity of the paint to include semi-transparent areas, and using the textures of the paint and brush work to mimic the natural veining and fine structures of the goldfish and flora he represents. The overall effect is “photorealistic”, akin to a full colour hologram. [Source]
Riusuke debuted his wonderful work at the ICN Gallery in London from December 1, 2011 – January 11, 2012. Thankfully for those unable to attend, photographer Dominic Alves took a set of beautiful photographs to capture the exhibition. To get a sense of this fascinating technique be sure to watch the video below and at the very end of this post.
– Riusuke Fukahori: Artist Website (in Japanese)
– ICN Gallery: Official Site
– Photography by Dominic Alves
– First spotted on: Colossal
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