Creative Dad Shares 5 Years of Sandwich Bag Art
Since May 2008, graphic designer, illustrator, and Dad extraordinaire, David Laferriere, has been drawing on his kids’ sandwich bags with a Sharpie marker. Each drawing is done just after he makes the sandwich. He then takes a picture and posts it to Flickr where there are over 1,100 pictures and counting!
Laferriere says the biggest challenges are coming up with an idea and then drawing quickly and directly on the bag. In a recent feature on the Flickr blog, David says:
“The sandwich bags are something that my boys and I share together. But the comments people leave about a parent doing something similar really touches me, because there are other parents that love their kids just as much. And they love them enough to leave a little note, a little whatever it may be… that’s just something that brightens their day when they get to their lunch.”
Be sure to head over to Laferriere’s 1,100 picture Sandwich Art album on Flickr, and check out for David’s professional services as an illustrator and graphic designer.
[via Flickr Blog, Colossal]
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