July 17, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Old Photos of Budapest Spliced Into Present Day

by twistedsifter


Kerényi Zoltán is an architect and photographer from Budapest, Hungary. In an ongoing series entitled, Ablak a múltra / Window to the past, Zoltán splices old photos of Budapest into present day photos of the exact same location, carefully getting the perfect angle and vantage point.

In the 300+ photo album on Flickr, Zoltán explains:

“Everyone experiences that occasional desire to look back at a bygone age, and to catch a glimpse of something that touches their heart and moves their soul, or throws fresh light on the changes around us. Window to the Past captures snapshots of times gone by in such a way that, while being rooted in reality, the images created form something new by merging the power of the past with that of the present. They offer us the chance to remember with eyes wide open. With open eyes and open heart alike.”


Many of the original photos are over 50 years old. You can find the entire album on Flickr and keep up with the latest on Facebook. Zoltán also has books available for purchase on Etsy.


Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, I. Vár, Halászbástya fortepan_16175

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, XI. Műszaki Egyetem, Könyvtár fortepan_24138

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, XI. Műegyetem rakpart 3-9. Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem fortepan_18686

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, V. Kossuth Lajos utca, a Magyar utcától a Ferenciek tere (Felszabadulás tér) felé nézve fortepan_16795

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, V. Pesti alsó rakpart, Vigadó téri hajóállomás árvíz idején fortepan_31503

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, VI. Teréz (Lenin) körút, a Nyugati pályaudvartól a Podmaniczky utca felé nézve fortepan_23694

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, VIII. Népszínház utca - József körút sarok, egykori ipari felsőiskola fortepan_31990

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, VI. Nyugati pályaudvar fortepan_24560

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, XIV. Városliget, Műjégpálya fortepan_26759

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, IX. Bakáts tér 12., Ének-Zenei Általános Iskola a Knézich utca sarkán fortepan_21516

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, I. Vár, Halászbástya fortepan_1029

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy




Budapest, I. Vár, Halászbástya, háttérben a Mátyás templom fortepan_18343

Photography and Splicing by Kerényi Zoltán
Website | Facebook | Etsy








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