July 3, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Teacher Wears Same Outfit in 40 Consecutive Yearbook Photos

by twistedsifter



After a teaching career that spanned 40 years (1973-2012), Dale Irby, 63, has left behind a legacy of yearbook photos in which he is wearing the exact same outfit year after year. According to the Dallas Morning News it began as an accident:

“I was so embarrassed when I got the school pictures back that second year and realized I had worn the very same thing as the first year,” said Dale, 63. But his wife, Cathy, dared him to do it a third year. Then Dale thought five would be funny. “After five pictures,” he said, “it was like: ‘Why stop?’”


Dale was a physical education teacher at Titche Elemntary in the Pleasant Grove area of Dallas. Aside from a great sense of humour, Irby was a well-respected teacher and even had the gymnasium named in his honour. Let’s give a hand to Dale and countless other amazing teachers around the world!
[Dallas Mornings News via Laughing Squid]


techer wears same yearbook photo outfit for 40 years (3)



techer wears same yearbook photo outfit for 40 years (2)



techer wears same yearbook photo outfit for 40 years (1)



techer wears same yearbook photo outfit for 40 years (4)



techer wears same yearbook photo outfit for 40 years (1)





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