September 20, 2013 at 8:58 am

The Shirk Report – Volume 232

by twistedsifter


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to!

*for email subscribers: If you visit the direct link to the shirk report in your web browser (by clicking the blue, underlined title), the videos will play properly and images will appear immediately under the text rather than opening in a new window!



“I’ll take one of those”
Why get beats by dre when you can have…
This dog kind of looks like Vladimir Putin
The ol’ chocolate decoy trick
Apparently you can ride a bike that’s upside down
How U-Turns become slight veers to the left
I’m not sure what’s more terrifying. The headline or the picture? | Link to article
Clint gets his first uniform
I wonder how many people have done this over the years?
Maximizing dorm room space
Walk it off
“Are you not entertained?”
Puck control
Grandma means business
Don’t be a psycho
This is a long gif. Deal with it
Textbook example of ‘too close for comfort’
Eat your heart out Marilyn Monroe
Butt slide | obligatory
“It’s not unusual to be welcomed by anyone”
Well that’s all for this week! (thx for sharing @MikeChops!)


How an Engineer Earned 1.25 Million Air Miles By Buying Pudding
Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut
The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Guide To Being A Man
How every NFL owner made their money
The Boy Genius of Ulan Bator
NASA’s Plutonium Problem Could End Deep-Space Exploration
Why it pays to be the youngest kid in class
Small Animals See The World In Slow Motion
How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them
On the Origin of Celebrity


















Putin Some Time with
Friends and Family this Weekend!


putin dog look a like The Shirk Report   Volume 232