A Close Encounter With A Curious Cheetah
by twistedsifter
Australian wedding and wildlife photographer Bobby-Jo Clow had the experience of a lifetime while on safari at Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. A young male cheetah decided to check out their vehicle, getting closer than you can possibly imagine.
She tells Africa Geographic that her and her group came across a mother cheetah and two juvenile offspring. The two young cheetah approached the vehicle and one of them hopped on the hood and peered into the vehicle through the roof. She said the experience lasted almost five minutes before the mother called her children back and they continued on their way. An incredible encounter she will never forget!
After the positive feedback Bobby-Jo has received online she has recently launched her own photo safari tours in Africa, offering planned itineraries centered around photography, including tutorials on capturing and editing wildlife images. You can find out more info here and here.
[via Africa Geographic, Daily Mail, NY Post]
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Wildlife Safari Experience with Bobby-Jo Clow
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Wildlife Safari Experience with Bobby-Jo Clow
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Wildlife Safari Experience with Bobby-Jo Clow
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Wildlife Safari Experience with Bobby-Jo Clow
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