August 28, 2018 at 12:19 pm

Hedgehog Skeleton is πŸ”₯

by twistedsifter


Margaret Seagull is a taxidermist and osteologist (a person who studies the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures), and on her Instagram account you can find a variety of taxidermy/osteology related posts (which may make some squeamish).

A recent series featuring the skeleton of a hedgehog, along with its distinctive spine and hollow ‘hairs’ made stiff with keratin, was recently shared on reddit where I came across the series of images.

According to Wikipedia, their spines are not poisonous or barbed and unlike the quills of a porcupine, do not easily detach from their bodies.

[Margaret Seagull on Instagram via reddit]



hedgehog skeleton 3 Hedgehog Skeleton is πŸ”₯

Photograph by Margaret Seagull


hedgehog skeleton 2 Hedgehog Skeleton is πŸ”₯

Photograph by Margaret Seagull


hedgehog skeleton 1 Hedgehog Skeleton is πŸ”₯

Photograph by Margaret Seagull


hedgehog skeleton 4 Hedgehog Skeleton is πŸ”₯

Photograph by Margaret Seagull