He Bought a Soundgarden Vinyl and Found a Most Unexpected Letter Inside
by twistedsifter
When a Spokane, Washington man opened up his latest find, a vinyl edition of Soundgarden’s “Superunknown”, he found a most unexpected letter inside. It was a thank you note from the seller, Sabine Miller, from nearby Philomath in Oregon.
I’ve transcribed the letter (seen in the photo) below if you find it easier to read:
Dear Collector —
Just in case you want to know where this record is coming from: –
I am Mark’s mother – Mark left us in 2002 – he suffered a heart attack at age 39 while running
In the Oregon coastal mountains – the only consolation we have is that he died in a beautiful place doing what he loved most, running, music and of course his son, Kai (Mark was an ocean surfer) –
Mark collected this music in the 80th while attending college – I would ask him on occasion when he slepped all this music home (2000 cd + over 600 vinyls)! “What do you ant me to with all this music” if something should happen to you —- “Listen to it, Mom” he would say —- well, I did listen to a few but now it is time to share them – I am doing the best I can – doing research, listing, shipping etc – but it is good therapy for me to see this music being shared all over the world – and the $s from it will go towards Kai’s education —- thank you for your support – and when you play it —- play it loud for Mark!
Cheers, Sabine
Mark tragically passed in 2002, you can read an online obituary here. Sadly, after a hard fought battle with cancer, his mother Sabine, who wrote the letter above, passed away in 2016. Her obituary can be found here.
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