This Is How Daylight Saving Time Affects Your Part of the Country
Daylight Savings Time can have a big effect on your life if you live in certain parts of the country…and not much of one in other areas.
A cartographer named Andy Woodruff created some maps to help show how Daylight Savings Time affects sunrise and sunset times in different parts of the country.
Below, the map on the left shows how may days of reasonable sunrise time places get (7 am or earlier). Darker areas on the map have the fewest days and the lighter areas have the most days.
And the map on the right shows how many days of reasonable sunset times (5 p.m. or later) places in the U.S. have.

Photo Credit: Andy Woodruff
And here’s what the U.S. would look like Woodruff’s same model if Daylight Savings Time was abolished in this country.
As you can see, the sunset days don’t look too much different, but the sunrise days are altered quite a bit in several parts of the country.

Photo Credit: Andy Woodruff
Lastly, Woodruff shared a map of what would happen if Daylight Savings Time was always in effect year-round.
There would be a lot of sunshine in the evenings, but those mornings look pretty awful all over the country.

Photo Credit: Andy Woodruff

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